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Relais & Châteaux and Hennessy present the "Passion 2021" trophy to the Arnolfo restaurant in Colle di Val d'Elsa in Tuscany

Coming together to celebrate the passion that guides its members throughout their lives, Relais & Châteaux and its historical partner Hennessy award the "Passion Trophy" to the Arnolfo restaurant, a family business founded in 1982 by Giovanni Trovato.

Driven by the same vision, chef Gaetano Trovato and his brother Giovanni, the maître de maison and sommelier, work side-by-side to convey a story of taste and sharing that reflects their love for Tuscany and its products. Although the chef of the gourmet restaurant Arnolfo has spent the last four decades expressing his passion for the best products of the region, it is his commitment to the younger generation, and his support for local producers manifestly concerned about the environment and quality that sets him apart.

Restaurant Arnolfo - Hennessy - Passion Trophy Relais & Châteaux Restaurant Arnolfo - Restaurant Colle di Val d’Elsa - Restaurant Tuscany - Restaurant Relais & Châteaux

In the Arnolfo family, the taste for good things is savored as a calling. After training with some of Europe's greatest chefs, Gaetano Trovato returned to his home region and joined his mother and sister in opening the Arnolfo restaurant in a 17th century palace overlooking the Chianti hills in order to revisit the flavors of his childhood. Joined by his brother Giovanni, he offers a gourmet experience that draws on the quality of local and organic products. Since their earliest recollections, Gaetano and Giovanni have bought directly from the farmers around Colle di Val d'Elsa, and they still fervently forge links with Tuscan producers and winegrowers in their quest for excellence. By exalting the product, and breathing creativity into a tradition rooted in its terroir, the family's know-how has been awarded two stars in the 2021 Michelin Guide.



Hennessy - Passion Trophy Relais & Châteaux Hennessy - Passion Trophy Relais & Châteaux

In 1870, Maurice Hennessy created Hennessy X.O, the emblematic cognac from the house of the same name. For seven generations, the production of these exceptional cognacs has been based on the expertise of a familial line of passionate master blenders and the know-how of craftsmen committed to the land. To guarantee this heritage, the men and women of Maison Hennessy are driven by a deep desire to pass it on to future generations, creating a link between tradition and modernity.