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Relais & Châteaux and Glenmorangie award the "Savoir-Faire 2021" trophy to Akelarre Restaurant & Hotel located in San Sebastian, Spain

Convinced that the excellence of savoir faire has the power to transform a stay into an unforgettable experience, Relais & Châteaux and Glenmorangie are pleased to award the "Savoir-Faire" trophy to Akelarre, the restaurant and hotel of chef Pedro Subijana located on the Gascony coast near San Sebastian in the Spanish Basque Country.

A true pioneer of new Basque cuisine, Pedro Subijana joined the Akelarre adventure in 1975. Endowed with a perfect mastery of his trade and an avant-garde spirit, he took the helm of the gourmet restaurant and decided to link his personal destiny to that of the Akelarre. His culinary daring was quickly rewarded when the restaurant earned a star in the 1978 Michelin guide. In 1980, he became the owner of the restaurant, which marked the beginning of a fabulous odyssey that would take Akelarre to the heavens once more with the award of a second star in 1982. In 2007, a third star was awarded for the excellence of the experience offered, an award that is renewed each year by the Michelin guide.

Relais & Châteaux - Akelarre - Restaurant Spain - chef Pedro Subijana Relais & Châteaux

Pedro Subijana continuously seeks to model the Akelarre in the image of his cuisine in order to offer a complete sensory experience. After tackling many challenges and carrying out major work on the property, he inaugurated his 5-star hotel "Las Rooms" in 2017. The 22 contemporary-style rooms, all designed in wood and natural stone, reveal a perfectly sophisticated comfort combined with simple elegance. Each room overlooks the Cantabrian Sea through huge bay windows, thus inviting you to contemplate the sunset that sets the Gulf of Biscay and Mount Igueldo ablaze at the end of the day. The beauty of this spectacle and the excellent cuisine of the gourmet restaurant are wonderfully complemented by a spa and a bar-restaurant with a magnificent terrace. For almost 50 years, Pedro Subijana and his team have been constantly striving for perfection. Over time, Akelarre has become a magical place where the chef's culinary creations are in harmony with the prevailing philosophy.



Relais & Châteaux - Glenmorangie - Trophy Savoir-Faire Relais & Châteaux - Glenmorangie - Trophy Savoir-Faire

Glenmorangie whiskies, distilled in the northern Highlands of Scotland since 1843, are the fruit of a savoir faire that has been enriched from generation to generation in order to reach the greatest perfection. With copper stills more than sixteen feet high, a mineral-rich spring water, and an aging process in oak barrels, the famous Glenmorangie single malts develop an exceptionally round aromatic profile. They offer a unique tasting experience, imbued with finesse and elegance.