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Relais & Châteaux and Acqua Panna & San Pellegrino award the "Rising Chef 2022" trophy to trophy to Marko Gajski, chef of the LD, the restaurant of the Lešić Dimitri Palace located on the island of Korčula in Croatia

Coming together to uncover the talents of a new generation of committed chefs who delight our tables with their creativity, Relais & Châteaux and its privileged partner Acqua Panna & San Pellegrino, award this year's "Rising Chef Trophy" to Marko Gajski.

Marko Gajski’s rise to prominence tells a journey punctuated by serendipity, delicious surprises and hard work. A decade ago, this young man was destined for a career in computing. His friends dreamed that he could have another future by signing him up for the first Croatian season of Master Chef. Talent and perseverance have done the rest. From a simple commis to a starred chef obtained at the LD Restaurant , the blistering pace at which he has worked his way up the ladder reflects his strong personality.

Relais & Châteaux - Marko Gajski - Rising Chef 2022 - LD Restaurant Relais & Châteaux - restaurant Korcula

After an apprenticeship with chefs in England and the United States, he took the helm of the LD Restaurant with the firm intention of renewing its traditional repertoire of Dalmatian cuisine. In the sumptuous palace of Lešić Dimitri , in the heart of the old medieval city of Korčula, he has found the ideal setting to achieve this. He attaches great importance to the ingredients, from the land or the sea, to the seasons and to the balance of flavors. His signature dish, a shrimp gyoza, chocolate and foie gras crunch, is enjoyed facing the sea, on the terrace with a panoramic view of the Pelješac canal and the Korčula archipelago, a wonderful backdrop to this cuisine rich in emotions.


S.Pellegrino® & Acqua Panna®

Relais & Châteaux - S Pellegrino - Acqua Panna - Rising Chef 2022 Relais & Châteaux - S Pellegrino - Acqua Panna - Rising Chef 2022

S. Pellegrino® & Acqua Panna® mineral waters are the ambassadors of an art of living that brings to your table a touch of elegance and cordiality inherited from their Italian origins. Brands of the San Pellegrino group, they are acclaimed by chefs and sommeliers all over the world.