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Relais & Châteaux and Acqua Panna & San Pellegrino award the "Rising Chef 2021" trophy to Xavier Beaudiment, chef of the restaurant Le Pré in Durtol, France

Coming together to uncover the talents of a new generation of committed chefs who delight our tables with their creativity, Relais & Châteaux and its privileged partner Acqua Panna & San Pellegrino, award this year's "Rising Chef Trophy" to Xavier Beaudiment.

With five rooms awarded the Green Key eco-label, and two stars in the 2021 Michelin Guide, the Restaurant Le Pré is located in the hills overlooking Clermont-Ferrand. At the feet of Auvergne’s volcanoes, its chef, a native of the region, invites your senses to take a daily stroll with him as he wanders through the surrounding forests and meadows in search of a new palette of flavors and tastes. He takes his inspiration from the wild herbs and plants he discovers along the way to boldly redesign the culinary landscape of the region. Committed to an environmentally responsible approach faithful to the values defended by Relais & Châteaux, he offers plants a prominent place on his plates.

Relais & Châteaux - Xavier Beaudiment - Rising Chef 2021 - Restaurant Le Pré Relais & Châteaux - restaurant Clermont Ferrand

After training at the Chamalières Hospitality Management School, Xavier Beaudiment learned his trade from talented chefs in Strasbourg, London, and Paris. After a brief stay in Clermont-Ferrand, he settled in Durtol, on the road that connects the town to the verdant countryside of the Puy-de-Dôme. There he acquired the starred restaurant of chef Bernard Andrieux. In the years that followed, the restaurant transformed as the chef's vision took root. Then, a new horizon opened up upon meeting botanist Guy Lalière, who helped him discover the abundant natural wealth of Auvergne, which provided him with new territory to seek inspiration. He thus introduced wild plants into his cuisine, and began to reflect on what links him to nature, the terroir, and his culinary heritage. Since then, he has been adding the likes of angelica, yarrow, and meadowsweet, freshly picked in the morning, to his vegetable creations in order to elevate the other ingredients provided by local producers sharing the same ethics.

With his sublime technique, Xavier Beaudiment harmoniously develops totally new pairings in order to come as close as possible to nature while telling a contemporary story of the Auvergne terroir. With culinary creations possessing a naturally eco-friendly character, the Restaurant Le Pré continues its volcanic climb upwards.


S.Pellegrino® & Acqua Panna®

Relais & Châteaux - S Pellegrino - Acqua Panna - Rising Chef 2021 Relais & Châteaux - S Pellegrino - Acqua Panna - Rising Chef 2021

S. Pellegrino® & Acqua Panna® mineral waters are the ambassadors of an art of living that brings to your table a touch of elegance and cordiality inherited from their Italian origins. Brands of the San Pellegrino group, they are acclaimed by chefs and sommeliers all over the world.