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Auvergne, a desire for nature
6 Nights
A concierge is at your service:
Price of a local call

Enjoy a few days in northern Auvergne, and recharge your batteries in these landscapes synonymous with happiness and well-being. Here, you’ll travel at a different pace, always gazing towards the valleys that herald the chain of dormant volcanoes further south. Everything here is a pretext for taking a stroll and wandering about; oak forests, towpaths, rivers, and railroad tracks evoke memories of a forgotten world. In this part of the Massif Central, the noise of old factories has given way to birdsong...

62 miles
44 miles
1 Montluçon — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant
vue générale château
Hotel + Restaurant
vue générale avec les arbres
Hotel + Restaurant
vue sur le lac
Hotel + Restaurant
réception 1
Hotel + Restaurant
Bar Saint-Jean
Hotel + Restaurant
bar corner d'apéritif
Hotel + Restaurant
escalier montant avec personnage
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
chambre privilege 2
Hotel + Restaurant
le Spa
Hotel + Restaurant
spa détail
Hotel + Restaurant
spa - salle de soin
Hotel + Restaurant
le bistrot sur la terrace
Hotel + Restaurant
bistrot vue de l'intérieur
Hotel + Restaurant
restaurant vers orgue
Hotel + Restaurant
restaurant vue panoramique 2
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant

Château Saint-Jean

Montluçon - France 19 rooms

This property is open.

Hotel and restaurant in the country. Just five minutes from the medieval city of Montluçon is Château Saint-Jean, located on the site of a former outpost of Templar knights. From the turrets of this fairy-tale hotel, guests overlook a mature park of century-old trees and a pond filled with swans and ducks – always ready to greet passers-by. Cozy guest rooms and suites combine modernity with touches of Renaissance style, each with breathtaking views of Saint-Jean Park. Rooted in Bourbon heritage, the soul of Auvergne is revealed in this haven of peace run by the Delion family. Treat yourself to a moment of relaxation at the spa, with its view of the adjacent racecourse, or spend some time in the bar, near the warmth of the stone fireplace, enjoying a signature creation from the head bartender. At the gourmet restaurant, housed in the chateau’s 12th-century chapel, discover the creative cuisine of chef Olivier Valade. His carefully conceived dishes wow visually and highlight the authenticity of the region’s products. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
1 Michelin Star 2024
(from) US$ 227.86
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Walk in the Forest of Tronçais

Walk in the Forest of Tronçais

Stretching over some 27,000 acres in the heart of the Allier region, the Forest of Tronçais is one of the most beautiful oak forests in Europe. Its boasts a countless number of remarkable oaks, some of which are more than 300 years old. Planted by Colbert in the 17th century and decorated with fountains...

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Stroll along the Canal de Berry

Stroll along the Canal de Berry

Between Montluçon and Vallon-en-Sully flows the pretty Canal de Berry. The river was the backbone of local industry until the end of the 19th century, as it enabled barges to bring goods to the site. The old towpath now offers a splendid walk away from all traffic. Along the way, you’ll discover locks...

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62 miles
44 miles
2 Vichy — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant

Maison Decoret

Vichy - France 5 rooms

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Restaurant and hotel in town. Across from the Parc des Sources in Vichy, MOF (Best Craftsman of France) Chef Jacques Decoret and his wife Martine have taken over a brick chalet dating from the time of Napoleon III. The chalet has a conservatory and a planted and aromatic roof, which illuminate the dining room. With its gentle, spacious rooms and a kitchen with large picture windows, it blends contemporary and classical style, just like the Chef. Jacques Decoret has created a new art de vivre in a historical thermal spa town. He favours fine produce, to which he applies his innovative skills, concocting combinations of hitherto unsuspected flavours for a cuisine nourished by smiles. Gourmets can also sign up to introductory cookery classes. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
1 Michelin Star 2024
(from) US$ 165.72
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An evening at the Vichy Opera House

An evening at the Vichy Opera House

Classified as a historical monument and a unique testimony to Art Nouveau architecture, the Vichy Opera House was the epicenter of the summertime music capital during the first half of the 20th century. The Opera then had its own orchestra, choirs, singers and corps de ballet. Entirely restored, its...

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62 miles
44 miles
3 Durtol — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant
Le pré ©Denis Pourcher
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
PRE-5551-300 - Copie - Copie
Hotel + Restaurant

Hôtel Restaurant Le Pré

Durtol - France

This property is open.

Restaurant and hotel in town. On the edge of Clermont-Ferrand, Hôtel Restaurant Le Pré unites the city with the treasures of Auvergne’s countryside. Each morning, the undergrowth, fields, mountains and forests offer Xavier Beaudiment the wild plants and herbs whose praises he sings. The menu is as invigorating as a walk at the foot of the volcanoes. The plants dictate their desires to the fresh meat and lake fish, rather than the other way around. Carefully listening, the two-Michelin-star chef then creates mischievous associations and poetic variations in which his technical mastery truly shines. For those wishing to enjoy the pleasure of picking fresh herbs in the morning dew, a few bright and natural rooms welcome you for a cosy night’s sleep. ... Learn moreless

2 Michelin Stars 2023
Close to the property

A beautiful journey by railcar (Courpière)

A beautiful journey by railcar (Courpière)

53 miles of railway tracks with tunnels, bridges and viaducts, and a change in altitude of several hundred meters constitutes this panoramic railcar excursion between La Chaise-Dieu and Ambert via Arlanc. An original and peaceful way to discover the superb hilly landscapes and gorges of the Livradois-Forez...

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Discover the Valley of Factories in Thiers

Discover the Valley of Factories in Thiers

Along the Durolle River, a marked trail allows you to plunge into a past world. One after the other, the incredible series of abandoned small-scale and industrial-size factories of Thiers evoke the work of cutlers, tanners and papermakers. The Usine du May now houses a space dedicated to culture, and...

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Photos: © Louis Endelicher on Unsplash, Wahiba August (CC BY-SA 3.0 [https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.fr]), Lethiernois (CC BY-SA 4.0 [https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.fr]), Mboesch (CC BY-SA 4.0 [https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.fr]), Daniel Jolivet (CC BY 2.0 [https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/]), Léo Camus (CC BY-SA 4.0 [https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.fr])