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Relais & Châteaux and Pommery award the "Woman of the Year 2021" trophy to Jihane Khairallah, the Maître de Maison of the Albergo Hotel in Beirut, Lebanon

Captivated by these caring and capable women who excel in the art of hospitality, Relais & Châteaux and Pommery award the "Woman of the Year" trophy to Jihane Khairallah. For the past 15 years, she has expertly managed the Albergo Hotel located in the traditional district of Achrafieh in Beirut.

With an unfailing commitment and an energy that reflects the image of Lebanon’s capital, Jihane Khairallah has shone at the Albergo since 1998, when she fell in love with this property that reflects the singular charm of the city so well. Surrounded by a close-knit team, Jihane Khairallah became the general manager of Hotel Albergo in 2006, a position most often held by a man in Lebanon. Since then, she has orchestrated life at the property down to the last detail, and takes up each challenge as it comes while maintaining a positive attitude in all circumstances.

Relais & Châteaux - Jihane Khairallah Relais & Châteaux

A mix of traditional architecture and Art Deco, a typical Beirut style, the Albergo offers its guests the delightful illusion of being at home, as well as a unique opportunity to experience Lebanon from the inside. The personality of the hotel's hostess has a lot to do with it. As you pass through the majestic Ottoman portico and climb up to the hotel's rooftop terrace, you’ll marvel at the swimming pool surrounded by a hanging garden with the sweet scent of jasmine and orange trees. As the spectacular view of Beirut, the sea and the mountains of Lebanon unfolds before you, regulars, locals and expatriates mingle with travelers fascinated by the joyful atmosphere of this haven of hospitality. On the terrace, closer to the sun, Jihane Khairallah has created an environment conducive to happiness. It’s here that you’ll enjoy a delicious Lebanese breakfast at dawn, where you can change the world while savoring a lemonade with the delicate aromas of rose, mint and lemon at the end of the day, or make a toast to life and forge lasting ties with the city and its inhabitants. Jihane is one of those women who always remains unruffled in the face of adversity, and who desires to please at every moment. She thus continues on her way to perfection.



Relais & Châteaux - Pommery - Trophy Woman the Year Relais & Châteaux - Pommery - Trophy Woman of the Year

In 1858, upon the death of her husband, Jeanne Alexandrine Louise Pommery took over the reins of the champagne house. At a time when the business world was exclusively male, Ms. Pommery accepted the challenge. Endowed with an avant-garde vision, she imposed her style and sealed the destiny of the company. She continued to expand the house by creating wines like no other, imbued with feminine elegance. And this house, which was behind the success of the first brut champagne, soon became one of the most beautiful vineyards of Champagne.
Today, the estate covers more than five hectares and benefits from both the "Sustainable Wine Growing in Champagne" and "High Environmental Value” labels. Nathalie Vranken, Pommery’s Director, perpetuates the boldness of this woman who made champagne an art. Since 2003, she has organized contemporary art exhibitions in the chalk cellars of the estate called the "Pommery Experiences". Since its creation, this major artistic event held almost 100 feet underground has brought together the works of more than 500 international artists, strengthening the now unfailing link between Pommery champagnes and art.