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Michelin Guide 2020, France: discover the award-winning Relais & Châteaux restaurants

Among the 3 establishments to receive the highest honor, two Relais & Châteaux chefs have been recognized and awarded three stars:  Christopher Coutanceau and Glenn Viel are both ardent supporters of creative and responsible cuisine that is anchored within its region.
In total, 21 members of the association have entered into the French edition of the Michelin Guide in 2020.


The new 3 star chefs, Michelin Guide 2020


Christopher Coutanceau, Restaurant Christopher Coutanceau, La Rochelle

Chef Christopher Coutanceau offers environmentally friendly cuisine that respects the marine seasons, like an ode to the territory of La Rochelle and the ocean from which it draws its inspiration. Fish, shellfish and seafood caught in the Atlantic are prepared with unique precision and creativity.

For the past several years, the chef has fought for the preservation of marine resources. Only fish from traditional, sustainable and local fishing sources are featured on the menu. Christopher Coutanceau is committed to using products in their entirety, as evidenced by his signature dish “Sardine from head to tail”. This commitment has earned him a distinction in the “Sustainable Gastronomy” category.

Christopher Coutanceau

Restaurant Christopher Coutanceau


Glenn Viel, L’Oustau de Baumanière, Les Baux-de-Provence

Chef Glenn Viel joined Jean-André Charial in 2015. The former allowed the chef free rein to create sun-kissed cuisine which goes straight to the essentials and enhance the unique taste of each local product. To achieve this, the chef maintains a real passion for vegetables that are grown in the kitchen gardens on the grounds of the property. Committed to a zero waste approach, Glenn Viel has also established an educational farm where he rears chickens and pigs, allowing him to recycle the restaurant’s waste. He is the second Relais & Châteaux 3 Michelin-starred chef to join the category of “Sustainable Gastronomy” in the Michelin Guide.

Glenn Viel - L’Oustau de Baumanière

L'Oustau de Baumanière

Discover all our 3 Michelin-starred restaurants


The new 2-star chef, Michelin Guide 2020


David Bizet, Taillevent, 8th arrondissement of Paris

Chef David Bizet joined Antoine Pétrus in 2018 to write a new chapter in the history of Taillevent, an institution of fine French gastronomy. The lover of fine products has redesigned this historic property’s menu to deliver his contemporary interpretation of classicism with all the elegance that characterizes his work. The determination he shows to balancing the flavors of each product has been recognized by the Michelin Guide which has awarded him two stars.

David Bizet - Le Taillevent

Le Taillevent

Discover all our 2 Michelin-starred restaurants


The new 1-star chefs, Michelin Guide 2020


Jérémie Louis, Château de Locguénolé, Kervignac

In the purest Breton spirit, chef Jérémie Louis subtly and creatively combines local products with those of the ocean to offer a responsible cuisine which is rich in flavors. 

Jérémie Louis - Le Taillevent


Frédéric Anton, Jules Verne, 7th arrondissement of Paris

Since July 2019, chef Frédéric Anton has created graphic compositions and pushed boundaries to create an experience beyond time and space on the Eiffel Tower’s second floor.

Frédéric Anton - Le Jules Verne

Le Jules Verne


Olivier Valade, Restaurant La Chapelle, Château Saint-Jean, Montluçon

Chef Olivier Valade took the helm of the Château Saint-Jean kitchen when it reopened after two years of renovation. Since then, he has continued to surprise and delight taste buds to provide the first Michelin star to this restaurant located within a 12th century chapel.

Olivier Valade - Restaurant La Chapelle - Château Saint_jean

Restaurant La Chappel - Château Saint-Jean


Didier Clément, Grand Hôtel du Lion d’Or, Romorantin-Lanthenay

Chef Didier Clément has skillfully produced a signature cuisine with unique flavors to create a new taste experience linked to the Sologne region.

Dider Clément - Grand Hôtel du Lion d’Or

Grand Hôtel du Lion d’Or


Anthony Avoine, Manoir de Lan-Kerellec, Trébeurden

Chef Anthony Avoine has an acute sense of balancing flavors which is expressed through a cuisine imbued with the spirit of the open sea, created according to the season's produce.

Antoine Avoine - Manoir de Lan-Kerellec

Discover all our 1 Michelin-starred restaurants


Sustainable Gastronomy

For the launch of the 2020 edition, the Michelin Guide creates a category which honors chefs who are committed to sustainable gastronomy, an approach that is globally adopted by our members. The red guide has selected 13 Relais & Châteaux chefs who work to preserve natural resources on a daily basis.


Discover the Relais & Châteaux chefs who have been recognized in the “Sustainable Gastronomy” category

Édouard Loubet, Restaurant Édouard Loubet, La Bastide de Capelongue

Sébastien Bras, Le Suquet 

Christopher Coutanceau, Restaurant Christopher Coutanceau

Hugo Roellinger, Le Coquillage, Les maisons de Bricourt

Laurent Petit, Hôtel Restaurant Le Clos des Sens – Laurent Petit

Alexandre Gauthier, La Grenouillère

Jean Sulpice, Hôtel Restaurant Auberge du Père Bise – Jean Sulpice

Glenn Viel, L’Oustau de Baumanière

Jacques Marcon, Hôtel et Restaurant Régis et Jacques Marcon

Michel et César Troisgros,Restaurant Troisgros

Mauro Colagreco, Restaurant Mirazur

Yoann Conte, Yoann Conte – Bord du Lac Hôtel Restaurant

Serge Vieira, Restaurant Serge Vieira
The Michelin Service prize has been awarded to Marie-Aude Viera, the restaurant’s manager.


Passion Dessert

The Michelin Guide, in partnership with Valrhona, honors pastry chefs who combine technical excellence and environmental awareness without sacrificing any of their creativity. François Jossé, pastry chef of the Restaurant Taillevent, and Sylvain Mathy, pastry chef of La Villa Archange restaurant join the Passion Dessert 2020 group.

La Villa Archange

Sylvain Mathy

Le Taillevent

François Jossé