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Hangzhou-Chengdu, the art of the table
6 Nights
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Price of a local call

Chinese gastronomy comes in infinite flavors and aromas that, surprisingly, do not always cross the borders of its own provinces. This journey between Hangzhou, in the province of Zhejiang, and the city of Chengdu, in the heart of Sichuan, is a real invitation to discover this mosaic of taste, by exploring its varied herbs and spices, more esoteric aromatics and teas (including the incredibly refined Long Jing, cultivated for a millennium). Recognizing the exceptional breadth of its restaurants and street vendors, UNESCO named Chengdu a ‘city of gastronomy’ in 2010.

1 Hangzhou — 3 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant

Seven Villas

Hangzhou - China Mainland 7 rooms - 2 villas

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Hotel and restaurant in town. Close to West Lake and the city’s main attractions, the hotel and villas are nestled amidst splendid gardens of trees and bamboo in Hangzhou. The atmosphere is peaceful with the elegant lines of the buildings reflecting in the ponds of water and the traditional decor of the spacious and bright rooms serving to please the eye. Your first delights are offered at the highly-rated restaurant Jiexianglou, which serves exquisite Chinese cuisine. But the best is yet to come. Building on the principles of Chinese medicine and aromatherapy, the spa offers exceptional treatments using flowers and plants. ... Learn moreless

1 Michelin Star 2023
(from) US$ 538.64
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Stroll along the banks of the West Lake

Stroll along the banks of the West Lake

For centuries, the banks of the West Lake have inspired some of the greatest poets and painters of China. Listed as a world heritage site by UNESCO, its landscapes continue to offer a sense of serenity to all those arriving from nearby Shanghai. You can walk or cycle between temples, pagodas, pavilions...

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2 Chengdu — 3 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant

Su Shien Valley

Chengdu - China Mainland 20 rooms

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Neighboring Tibet, the province of Sichuan is traversed by a mountain range older than the Himalayas. Its sharp peaks and mist-shrouded forests paint a picture of China far removed from the soaring skylines of Shanghai or Beijing: Su Shien Valley is found in a forested setting reminiscent of the ancient engravings of a thousand-year-old civilization. This cradle of Taoism makes the hotel an ideal refuge for a spiritual retreat and an initiation into ‘the way’ of ancient China. The lodge houses rooms and suites, each an invitation to Zen-like contemplation, with elegantly minimalistic décor–light wood, raw stone and fluid lines–in total harmony with the forest. Rooms also feature large bay windows, inviting you to meditate to the rhythm of the wind in the trees, and open onto interior courtyards, some with private traditional soaking tub. Explore the forest on long hikes before slipping into the warm waters of the onsen and relaxing with a traditional treatment to the sound of the songbo, a local musical instrument. The main restaurant nestled in the bamboo grove serves Sichuanese cuisine that follows the rhythm of the seasons, in perfect harmony with Taoist philosophy. ... Learn moreless

(from) US$ 232.03
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A traditional tea tasting

A traditional tea tasting

Tea houses are to Chengdu what café culture is to Paris. These traditional meeting places, where you can sip your favorite tea, have become institutions in their own right–Chengdu is, after all, surrounded by some of the most renowned tea plantations in the country. As well as the many flavors and varieties...

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