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About Relais & Châteaux
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Western Canada, escape and adventure in the wilderness
10 Nights
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Price of a local call

Western Canada remains today an enchanting territory for all wilderness lovers. People come here to walk unobtrusively in the footsteps of the indigenous peoples, cowboys, and oil explorers. You can still observe grizzly bears in their natural habitat, and you can walk for hours or days along maintained trails within primeval forests or along the Pacific coast. You’ll discover magnificent landscapes by helicopter, kayak and bicycle, all while having the immutable feeling of being very small within this grandiose natural setting...

This route was created by Charles McDiarmid, Owner of the Wickaninnish Inn Learn more.
400 miles
128 miles
46 miles
174 miles
18 miles
1 Lake Louise — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant
posthotel_property (2)

Post Hotel & Spa

Lake Louise - Alberta, Canada 90 rooms - 1 villa

This property is open.

Hotel and restaurant in the mountains. Nestled in the Bow River Valley, with the spectacular Canadian Rockies as a backdrop, the Post Hotel offers one of the most picturesque locations imaginable: the heart of Banff National Park, Canada’s first.This is a protected region, designated as a World Heritage Site – unspoiled natural beauty, pristine wilderness and a safe haven for the bountiful wildlife. Imagine skiing or hiking in this breathtaking landscape. Just two hours west of Calgary International airport and you are there: spacious suites, crackling fireplaces, Temple Mountain spa, award winning fresh market cuisine and one of Canada’s largest wine cellars, with over 25,000 bottles and more than 2,200 labels. ... Learn moreless

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A hike to Two Tea house

A hike to Two Tea house

The climb immerses you in nature, and the views are breathtaking. A true delight, and the final reward is a cup of tea served in a pretty wooden house. This building can be reached only on foot, horseback, or by helicopter. With each sip, you will feel privileged indeed.

400 miles
128 miles
46 miles
174 miles
18 miles
2 Sonora Island — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant
Sonora Resort - Aerial

Sonora Resort

Sonora Island - British Columbia, Canada 69 rooms - 2 villas

This property is annually closed. Reopening on 4/30/25

Hotel and restaurant in the woods. Nestled in a Pacific Archipelago, Sonora Resort offers a rare alchemy of virgin wilderness and opulent comfort. Accessible only by sea or air, this is the stage for a breathtaking natural spectacle: eagles perched on towering trees, whales and sea lions surfing the currents… Spend adventurous days fishing, hiking, and observing grizzly bears in their natural habitat. For quieter moments immerse yourself in soothing mineral pools. Here, every room commands a stunning view of snow-capped peaks that seem to plunge into the emerald sea. Fresh local ingredients are prepared by accomplished chefs, paired with world class wines and served before an ocean vista. ... Learn moreless

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(from) US$ 886.93
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Helicopter to Sonora

Helicopter to Sonora

London Air Flight AW139 reaches Sonora in barely 50 minutes. From the Esso Avitat Terminal in Richmond, this is above all a unique voyage along superb fjords and craggy coastlines. On the right you can see the landscape of British Columbia and, on the left, Vancouver Island. You fly over mountains and...

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400 miles
128 miles
46 miles
174 miles
18 miles
3 Salt Spring Island — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant

Hastings House Country House Hotel

Salt Spring Island - British Columbia, Canada 17 rooms - 1 villa

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Hotel and restaurant in a park. On picturesque Salt Spring Island, Hastings House Country House Hotel is a charming oceanfront resort with 18 well-appointed guest suites and rooms nestled amidst abundant flower gardens and grounds. A magnificent Sussex-style manor house and seaside terrace are at the heart of the property and provide a convivial spot for dinner and cocktails. Manor Dining offers award-winning gourmet cuisine highlighting fresh produce from the estate’s gardens. Hastings House is an ideal spot for exploring the natural beauty and unique ecology of the Gulf Islands. Salt Spring itself is a hotspot for artists, artisans, and locavores, and is home to three vineyards. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
(from) US$ 384.10
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The vineyards of Salt Spring Island

The vineyards of Salt Spring Island

Several vineyards have become known far beyond the island’s borders, featuring on the wine lists of the country’s greatest restaurants. Gary Oaks Winery has won many awards for its excellent Pinot Gris while, a few kilometers away, Salt Spring Vineyards produces a superb organic blackberry "port". Continue...

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400 miles
128 miles
46 miles
174 miles
18 miles
4 Vancouver — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant
Wedgewood Lobby

Wedgewood Hotel & Spa

Vancouver - British Columbia, Canada 83 rooms

This property is open.

Hotel and restaurant in town. Located on fashionable Robson Square, the Wedgewood is a superb address displaying distinct European elegance, right in the heart of the cosmopolitan city of Vancouver. The guest rooms and suites provide every modern comfort, alongside antiques and original artworks, while the restaurant, dedicated to Bacchus, serves inventive, epicurean cuisine. The lounge is the epitome of understated luxury, featuring stylish furniture, rich fabrics, old-fashioned fireplaces and Venetian light fixtures personally selected by the owner. Every member of the staff, from the team at the inviting wellness center to the chef in the restaurant, strives to attain one goal: perfection. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
(from) US$ 199.04
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Granville Island Public Market, Vancouver

Granville Island Public Market, Vancouver

Situated opposite False Creek Bay, this covered market attracts a large section of Vancouver’s inhabitants on weekends. The maple syrup, cold cuts, cheeses and fish all come from the area around the city. Taste the delicious Sockeye salmon – my son works in the market as a fishmonger. And, after you’ve...

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400 miles
128 miles
46 miles
174 miles
18 miles
5 Tofino — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant
Aerial of the Wickaninnish Inn 6

Wickaninnish Inn

Tofino - British Columbia, Canada 75 rooms

This property is open.

Hotel and restaurant on the seafront. The Wickaninnish Inn stands on an outcrop between the Pacific Ocean, Chesterman Beach and a forest of giant evergreens. Artists, including renowned wood carver Henry Nolla, designed elements of its two buildings with the aim of blending art, nature and culture. You can even meet local artists at the onsite carving shed. Each room has a fireplace and picture window offering views of the coastline. Set off on a day of sea kayaking, or to see whales, sea lions or bears around Clayoquot Sound. Relax with a soothing spa treatment after your day's adventures. From November to March, you can admire mighty Pacific storms, watching from the comfort of your guest room as waves come crashing ashore. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
(from) US$ 335.22
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Tofino, the surfing capital of Canada

Tofino, the surfing capital of Canada

On weekends, it’s not uncommon to come across surfers and fishermen in deep discussion along the docks and piers of Tofino. Wave and wilderness enthusiasts from Vancouver and beyond come to brave the cold waters of the North Pacific. Since 2006, Rip Curl has been holding an international competition...

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Texts: © Guides Gallimard
Photos: © Mark Skalny /VISUALNATUREIMAGES.COM (c) 2011, Xicotencatl (CC BY-SA 4.0 [https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en]), Shlomo Shalev on Unsplash, Bannon Morrissy on Unsplash