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Discover all our Chefs
Relais & Châteaux Chef

Frédéric Anton

Chef - Relais & Châteaux

Frédéric Anton

Chef Relais & Châteaux

I started my career in 1986 in Lille at Le Flambard with Robert Bardot. Then I went on to Les Crayères with Gérard Boyer in Reims, and then became chef de cuisine with Joël Robuchon, where I stayed for seven years, until 1996. In 1997, I became chef of Le Pré Catelan and in 2000 I was awarded the MOF (Best Worker of France) accolade. I am from the Vosges, a region known for its work ethic and I like rigour and precision. My cuisine is simple, flavourful and sophisticated. I try to discover harmonies of flavours and this is my philosophy: even if perfection is not of this world, that’s no excuse not to try to attain it.

How do you go about selecting your ingredients?

Ours are from Brittany. They are a real delicacy, with a fine, subtle taste of the sea, and must be used when they are fresh, firm and glossy. They have always been a part of the menu at Pré Catelan.


What is your Chef’s secret to preparing your star ingredient?

They can be sautées, stuffed in ravioli, or given a crunchy texture. Personally, I make langoustines in ravioli, served in a pepper and mint-flavored olive oil broth. The mint infusion is their best accompaniment. At home, I make them poached, shelled by hand and served with a plain, simple mayonnaise.





Les restaurants Relais & Châteaux de Frédéric Anton

Le Pré Catelan

  • 3 Michelin Stars 2024
  • Creative cooking

Restaurant Le Jules Verne

  • 2 Michelin Stars 2023