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Castlereagh Bungalow
(from) / night US$ 4,481

Castlereagh Bungalow

Sri LankaHatton


Castlereagh Bungalow

Bungalow of the property Ceylon Tea Trails

Set off with family and friends to discover the famous tea plantations of Ceylon, in the heart of Sri Lanka, at Ceylon Tea Trails. From the English garden of its Castlereagh Bungalow, enjoy spectacular views of Castlereagh Lake and the mountains where the tea is grown. The experience continues with a myriad of activities such as learning the secrets of tea making and exploring the area’s various nature reserves. With so many beautiful new adventures to be had, returning to this luxurious villa, with its summer pavilions and infinity pool, will be the perfect touch of tranquillity to end each day.


  • An intimate Tea Planter’s Bungalow with four Garden Suites and one Luxury Room
  • Complete with an infinity-edge swimming pool and an outdoor jacuzzi
  • Personalised and anticipatory attention offered by butler assistance
  • Approximately 380sqm / 4,090sqft
  • Nestled in a wooded dell close to the water, this century-old bungalow offers unrivalled water views and quaint garden suites to suit every taste
  • Elegant parquet floors all around with open fireplaces in the dining and drawing rooms, evoke recollections of the life and times of the tea planters who once lived here
  • In the extensive grounds, summerhouses can be found where tea is served, and a good book can be enjoyed until the sun goes down
  • Each bedroom features a King bed or 2 twin beds, an en-suite bathroom with bathtub and a walk-in rain shower. Additionally, each room boasts unique scenic views ranging from tea fields, gardens, and the Castlereagh lake
  • Inclusive of complimentary Wi-Fi, a library, writing desk, coffee and tea making facilities, other amenities and bath essentials
  • Extra beds can be included; charges apply
  • Maximum occupancy : 10 to 13 Persons including children

Good to know

  • Many exciting activities are available, including for children

We especially like

  • Embracing the wonders of this spectacular site by living to the rhythm of plantation life, where one of the world’s finest teas is grown
  • Trekking in the highlands of Sri Lanka and the region’s various nature reserve
  • Climbing Adam’s Peak to admire its magnificent views of the surrounding area
  • The amazing dining experience of savouring a fine tea cuisine at the Ceylon Tea Trails restaurant
  • Learning to play croquet, a cherished activity of English culture


Plantation workers
Tea Factory Tour and Tea Tasting Experience See details
Planter’s Lunch
Planter’s Lunch See details
Tea-infused Dinner Tea roasted chicken-1
Tea-infused Dinner See details
Walk the tea trails
Walk the tea trails and go on a biking tour See details
Guided Trail Exploration
Heritage and Nature Excursions See details
Adams Peak Ascent
Climb Adam’s Peak See details

Services offered by the property

  • When preparing your trip, don’t hesitate to contact Ceylon Tea Trails to obtain more detailed information about the services and food options available at your vacation villa or home. You will also be able to access all the hotel’s services and facilities and organize your activities at the reception desk.
  • See all services


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Disover all Villas by Relais & Châteaux
Ceylon Tea Trails Ceylon Tea Trails
Dunkeld Estate

22000, Hatton
( Central Province )
Sri Lanka
13 travelers
5 rooms
5 bathrooms
4090 sqft
(from) / night US$ 4,481
Minimum length of stay: consult the calendar