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Castlereagh Bungalow
(a partir de) / noche US$ 4 481

Castlereagh Bungalow

Sri LankaHatton

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Castlereagh Bungalow

Bungaló del establecimiento Ceylon Tea Trails


An intimate Tea Planter’s Bungalow with four Garden Suites and one Luxury Room – Complete with an infinity-edge swimming pool and an outdoor jacuzzi – Personalised and anticipatory attention offered by butler assistance – Approximately 380sqm / 4,090sqft – Nestled in a wooded dell close to the water, this century-old bungalow offers unrivalled water views and quaint garden suites to suit every taste – Elegant parquet floors all around with open fireplaces in the dining and drawing rooms, evoke recollections of the life and times of the tea planters who once lived here – In the extensive grounds, summerhouses can be found where tea is served, and a good book can be enjoyed until the sun goes down – Each bedroom features a King bed or 2 twin beds, an en-suite bathroom with bathtub and a walk-in rain shower. Additionally, each room boasts unique scenic views ranging from tea fields, gardens, and the Castlereagh lake. – Inclusive of complimentary Wi-Fi, a library, writing desk, coffee and tea making facilities, other amenities and bath essentials – Extra beds can be included; charges apply – Maximum occupancy: 10 to 13 Persons including children

Servicios del establecimiento

  • Para preparar su estancia, no dude en consultar con el establecimiento Ceylon Tea Trails acerca de los servicios y la restauración ofrecidos en su villa o casa de vacaciones. También podrá acceder a todos los servicios y equipamientos del hotel, así como organizar sus actividades en la recepción.
  • Ver todos los servicios


Owners Cottage

Owners Cottage

Dunkeld Bungalow

Dunkeld Bungalow

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Norwood Bungalow

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Tientsin Bungalow

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Summerville Bungalow

Disover all Villas by Relais & Châteaux
Ceylon Tea Trails Ceylon Tea Trails
Dunkeld Estate

22000, Hatton
( Central Province )
Sri Lanka
13 huéspedes
5 habitaciones
5 baños
380 m2
(a partir de) / noche US$ 4 481
Duración mínima de la estancia: consultar calendario