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Alessandro Negrini & Fabio Pisani

Chefs - Relais & Châteaux

Alessandro Negrini & Fabio Pisani

Chef Relais & Châteaux

Alessandro Negrini (born in 1978):Since my childhood, which I have spent in the grasslands and mountain pastures in Valtellina, food has been an ingredient of my daily life. My passion for cookery has grown up steadily once I entered the Palace in Saint Moritz. From a small village in Valmalenco to a brigade of 50 cooks: that was a big change! Afterwards, I moved from the Hotel Palace to the Gallia Palace in Punta Ala and later to Il Luogo di Aimo e Nadia, where I’ve been working for 3 years. I then continued my training at the Domaine de Châteauvieux in Genève and at Dal Pescatore in Canneto sull’Oglio. In 2005 I came back to Il Luogo di Aimo e Nadia, bringing Fabio wih me. We were eager to start a new project with Stefania Moroni to build the future of the new generation of Il Luogo. Fabio Pisani (born in 1978): When I was 14, my uncle, a chef, brought me to his restaurant in France, where I got impressed by passion and competence. Because of that, I got determined to start my career. After obtaining my high school degree, I’ve been working at some great European restaurant, such as Grand Vefour in Paris, Waterside Inn in London and Dal Pescatore in Canneo sull’Oglio. In 2005 I arrived at Il Luogo di Aimo e Nadia with Alessandro, bringing with me the passion for my job that allows customers to feel the “heartbeats” I put in every single dish. At Il Luogo di Aimo e Nadia, Alessandro and I interpret the rich culture of Italian gastronomy, proposing it again in an innovative form. Our cuisine is Italian and contemporary, it builds up on the solid basis of the Italian territories. Our approach is very respectful of the original flavours, with recipes that bring out the specificity and goodness of the ingredients proposed in a unique, meaningful and complex way.



Les restaurants Relais & Châteaux de Alessandro Negrini & Fabio Pisani

Il Luogo Aimo e Nadia

  • 1 Michelin Star 2025
  • Creative cooking