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Discover all our sommeliers
Sommeliers Relais & Châteaux

Albert Lake

Sommelier Relais & Châteaux- Relais & Châteaux

Albert Lake

Quintessence Hotel

Anguilla - Anguilla

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Sommelier Relais & Châteaux

How did you get into the world of wine?

In my studies of world geography and agriculture, grape growing was part of the curriculum, and I was fascinated with the science of the winemaking process. The opportunity came to learn more when I took a job as a waiter on Anguilla, which featured a large listing of wines from major wine producing regions of the world. I admired the Sommelier’s knowledge and the way he described the wines and the regions — when he tasted a wine, the nuances he described sounded so poetic. I vowed I wanted to be able to do that myself.

What is your personal philosophy?

Growing up I had the opportunity be mentored by my elders, especially in the hospitality industry which I love, and to be able to travel and see diverse cultures. The fact that I can now share my skill and experience guides me from day to day. My motto is simply to give back.

What are your 3 favorite things about wine?

My three favorite things about wine are the ability to complement a wine with different foods, its social appeal, and the opportunity to discover new and different type of wines and regions.

What is special about your cellar?

My wine cellar houses over 400 selections from major wine producing countries, with a focus on wines from France. The wine list not only features Bordeaux and Bourgogne, but selections of verticals in vintages from producers like Comte Lafon, Rene Dauvissat Domaine Roulot, Bonneau du Martray, Mongeard-Mugneret in Bourgogne, and outstanding vintages from Bordeaux great growths. We also have a variety of magnums, double magnums, and Jeroboam from Bordeaux, Bourgogne and California.

What 2 food-wine pairings do you think work best?

As local seafood is an all-time first choice, a well-balanced young Sauvignon Blanc makes an excellent pairing with crayfish, lobster or snapper lightly flavoured with local seasonings and herbs. If you like full flavoured dishes, for example goat with spices such as curry and chili pepper, it can be paired with a medium- to full-bodied Malbec.

As a sommelier, what is your relationship with the Chef like?

Chef Dominique has created his menu in very typical French bistro fashion, with a blend of French and local vegetables, herbs and seafood. His dishes range from light, medium to full flavour. It is with this understanding that my wine list is designed with a cross-section of styles to complement his cuisine and give that balance we want to achieve for our guests’ dining experience.

JULIANS-A Tropical French Bistro
