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Anchorage House

Anchorage House

United StatesNantucket


This property is annually closed. Reopening on 4/17/25

Anchorage House

Villa of the property The Wauwinet

Anchorage, an elegant seaside villa, is all about the refined seafaring spirit of Nantucket Island, off the coast of Massachusetts. The Wauwinet, its parent estate, sits on a spit of land that juts out between the Atlantic Ocean and a private bay. Such a prime location results in glorious sea views from every window of this luxury two-storey villa, whose inspiration is drawn from the iconic holiday residences of the 19th century. Whether sitting by the fireplace or in the dining room, bask in the simple but impeccable comfort and extraordinary setting of this villa. Moreover, the magnificent private garden and its two terraces, planted with roses and hydrangeas, makes it all the more enjoyable.


  • 3 bedrooms, one with 1 King bed, one with 1 Queen bed and one with 2 Twin beds – 186sqm/2000sqft
  • Located across from Main Inn – Balcony – Two private outdoor decks – Large living and dining area
  • Kitchenette – Private second floor office with computer and color printer
  • Atlantic Ocean and Bay views
  • 3 en-suite bathrooms, one with shower, the others with shower over bath – Cotton bathrobes and slippers – Hairdryer – Aromatherapy bath products
  • Complimentary WiFi – LCD flat screen TV in each bedroom with CD/DVD player – BOSE radio – Ceiling fan and air conditioning
  • No extra bed possible – 6 persons maximum

Good to know

  • Private shuttles provide service to the city every hour

We especially like

  • The nostalgic charm of this luxurious villa, reminiscent of a 19th-century resort
  • Falling under the spell of the fiery waves of the ocean or the calm of the bay, depending on the mood of the moment
  • Discovering the joys of catching a lobster… and eating it
  • The classic and unforgettable cuisine of Topper’s, the Wauwinet’s gourmet restaurant


Wauwinet Bay Cruise See details
TOPPER’S Culinary Experience See details

Services offered by the property

  • When preparing your trip, don’t hesitate to contact The Wauwinet to obtain more detailed information about the services and food options available at your vacation villa or home. You will also be able to access all the hotel’s services and facilities and organize your activities at the reception desk.
  • See all services
Disover all Villas by Relais & Châteaux
The Wauwinet 120 Wauwinet Road,
P.O. Box 2580,

MA 02584, Nantucket
( New England )
United States
6 travelers
3 rooms
3 bathrooms
2002 sqft
Minimum length of stay: consult the calendar