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The Coach House
(from) / night US$ 1,445.41

The Coach House

United KingdomBrampton


The Coach House

Cottage of the property Farlam Hall Hotel & Restaurant

A perfect base for visiting the charming Cumbrian town of Brampton, The Coach House at Farlam Hall Hotel & Restaurant is also a great stopover for exploring the beautiful countryside. With golf clubs, hiking boots and a box of watercolours on hand, a wonderful weekend in the country is sure to be had. And at the end of the day, the cosy rooms of this classically British home beckon for hours of reading or listening to music cuddled up on the deep sofas. With its gentle way of life and endless serenity, this is the ideal getaway for friends and family seeking a pause in the middle of nature.


  • Three-bedroom cottage: Size: 185sqm/1987sqft
  • Bedrooms with Super King size beds (one twinable on request)
  • Separate living/dining room with dining table seating up to 12 people
  • Walled garden and pasture view with separate west and north facing terraces
  • Fully equipped kitchen with Nespresso coffee machine, washer and dryer
  • En-suite and main bathroom with separate shower and bath – Dyson hairdryer – Bathrobes – Molton Brown bath amenities
  • Complimentary WiFi
  • Flat screen televisions in living room and bedrooms
  • No extra bed possible – 6 Persons Maximum

We especially like

  • Admiring St Martin’s Church; just 4.2 km away, it is the only church to be designed by Pre-Raphaelite architect Philip Webb, with stained glass windows by Sir Edward Burne-Jones
  • The stunning natural beauty of Cumbria


Hadrians Wall
Experience Hadrian’s wall See details

Services offered by the property

  • When preparing your trip, don’t hesitate to contact Farlam Hall Hotel & Restaurant to obtain more detailed information about the services and food options available at your vacation villa or home. You will also be able to access all the hotel’s services and facilities and organize your activities at the reception desk.
  • See all services


Brookside Cottage

Brookside House

Stable House Cottage

The Stable House

Tack House

The Tack House

Disover all Villas by Relais & Châteaux
Farlam Hall Hotel & Restaurant Hallbankgate
CA8 2NG, Brampton
( Cumbria )
United Kingdom
6 travelers
3 rooms
3 bathrooms
1991 sqft
(from) / night US$ 1,445.41
Minimum length of stay: consult the calendar