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Morukuru Farm House

Morukuru Farm House

South AfricaMadikwe Game Reserve


Morukuru Farm House

Villa of the property Morukuru Family Madikwe

A unique destination, and an unforgettable stay. Just an hour’s plane-ride from Johannesburg, a holiday off the beaten track awaits at Morukuru Farm House. This large, sustainably operated villa welcomes private groups to the heart of the savannah. Enjoy the intimacy of its five bedrooms, all connected to the main living room, as well as its warm interiors, based on the perfect alchemy between neutral tones and African accents. Situated directly in a game reserve, it is the perfect retreat for a family safaris with the experts at Morukuru Family Madikwe. Get up close to the ‘Big Five’, enjoy views of the surrounding nature and cool off in your private pool. Gather at sunset on the large panoramic terrace to commune with nature, the sky–even the entire universe.

Good to know

  • The property benefits from dedicated staff, including a private chef.

We particularly like

  • Discovering South Africa, a land of astonishing contrasts, with its vast wilderness imbued with raw beauty.
  • The unique experience of a stay within the fascinating ecosystem of an animal reserve.
  • Meeting the ‘Big Five’, the most emblematic mammals of Africa.
  • Participating in the Morukuru Goodwill Foundation's actions to preserve nature and support local communities.
  • Receiving wellbeing treatments, on the deck overlooking the Marico River, by the pool or in your villa.


Morukuru Family Madikwe - Male lion sighting
Game Drive See details
Morukuru Family Madikwe - sleepout in style
Hide sleep-out See details

Services offered by the property

  • When preparing your trip, don’t hesitate to contact Morukuru Family Madikwe to obtain more detailed information about the services and food options available at your vacation villa or home. You will also be able to access all the hotel’s services and facilities and organize your activities at the reception desk.
  • See all services


Morukuru Owner’s House

Morukuru Owner’s House

Morukuru River House

Morukuru River House

Disover all Villas by Relais & Châteaux
Morukuru Family Madikwe North West Province
Middlepoort Farm KP93 Portion 1 - 5

2874, Madikwe Game Reserve
South Africa
10 travelers
5 rooms
5 bathrooms
10118 sqft