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An eco-friendly design


eco-friendly design
Relais & Châteaux encourages practices that respect the planet
and its biodiversity, people and their lands, cultures and lifestyles.
That is why the Association partnered with The Joinery.
Together, we have designed a felt pouch made from recycled plastic
bottles in South African workshops. We believe that every action
makes a difference.
bottles collected each year in
South Africa’s fields and oceans
2.5 one-liter
recycled plastic bottles
per pouch
100% French
and responsible paper components


The Joinery uses special ecological fabric to craft a high-end, trendy, sustainable collection of lifestyle articles. Together, Relais & Châteaux and The Joinery have created an eco-responsible pouch using felt produced from recycled plastic bottles.

The fabric created by The Joinery, called “Future Felt”, is made from plastic bottles collected from oceans and various sites including streets and beaches. For thousands of people living below the poverty line, collecting these bottles provides a precious source of income.

Once collected, the bottles are sorted, separated and de-labelled. They are then washed and shredded into flakes, which are subsequently made into tiny pellets that are processed into fibres. These fibres is weaved into a felt that South African artisan cooperatives use in their collaborative work with The Joinery.


This pouch is more than just a container for a gift: it's sleek, timeless shape makes it the ideal travel companion well after it has fulfilled its original purpose. The pouch can hold travel documents and personal belongings (passport, plane ticket, e-reader, travel guide, eye mask, smartphone, makeup and more), making it a very useful item before, during and after the receiver’s delicious journey. Even the label was designed to be reused as a luggage tag!
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