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Relais & Châteaux launches a new application for you to create wonderful trips

Launched on September 5 2019, the new Relais & Châteaux application is available on iPhone or iPad and helps you create the most incredible holidays. Preparing and planning your next Relais & Châteaux breaks has never been so easy. 

This brand new, elegantly designed application offers you an improved interface and new functions to explore the unique characteristics of our properties before you even leave home.

Relais & Châteaux properties are the living expression of a place, its history, culture and cuisine. By offering a fully immersive photo experience of our hotels and restaurants, as well as unrivaled content,
the Relais & Châteaux application is a great source of inspiration to create the holiday of your dreams.

The application contains full property records, designed to maximize visual content and allow you to immediately discover the location, rooms, our hosts’ promises and original experiences which await you, as well as the people who will make your getaways unforgettable. 

The quick, functional and easy-to-use interface is an invaluable tool to find your next getaway. Throughout your navigation, you can also instantly check the availability of the property, its location on an interactive map, its rate and immediately reserve from your iPhone or iPad.

You dream of unique holidays, a break at the heart of nature, to explore the diverse cultures of the world, but you don’t know where to go.
The Relais & Châteaux application suggests destinations by themes to give you inspiration. Enter a country or a continent and date into the application’s search bar and you can see all of the available properties on a map with their room rate to make your choice and reserve with just a few clicks.

During your trips, geolocation is used to show you all of the nearby Relais & Châteaux properties and restaurants. Thanks to the Relais & Châteaux application, you can now reserve the best fine-dining experiences all over the world by directly contacting the restaurant from your phone and later view your itinerary.

Relais & Châteaux is driven by the desire to show you the range of treasures and beauty that the world offers. From the application, you can learn more about the pledges of your future hosts who work to preserve their local properties.  You have direct access to inspirational content from the digital Instants magazine to discover all of the association's commitments and read the latest articles published weekly on the themes of travel and taste.

And for those who wish to share the magic of a Relais & Châteaux experience with their loved ones, gift packages or gift certificates are also available on the application: an easy way to offer a unique experience to those we love most.

To find your next Relais & Châteaux destination, go to the Apple App Store to update or install
the new Relais & Châteaux application on your iPad or iPhone.

Nouvelle application Relais & Châteaux disponible sur iPhone et iPad

Nouvelle application Relais & Châteaux disponible sur iPhone et iPad

Nouvelle application Relais & Châteaux disponible sur iPhone et iPad