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Relais & Châteaux and Moët & Chandon award the "Welcome 2021" trophy to the Blair Hill Inn, located in New England in Greenville, Maine

Driven by the desire to make every moment unique, Relais & Châteaux and Moët & Chandon are awarding the "Welcome 2021" trophy to the Blair Hill Inn, a mansion overlooking Moosehead Lake.

On a hilltop surrounded by a sublime pastoral landscape, the Blair Hill Inn offers a breathtaking view of Maine's largest glacial lake. In this former breeding farm transformed into a cozy hotel, Daniel and Ruth McLaughlin welcome travelers in search of nature and special touches. This haven of happiness brings together rustic elegance, local "farm-to-table" cuisine, outdoor activities, and exceptional service.

Relais & Châteaux - Blair Hill Inn - Hotel Maine- Hotel USA Relais & Châteaux - Blair Hill Inn - Hotel Maine- Hotel USA

At the heart of an estate that sprawls over 79 acres, you can go trout fishing, walk through the green countryside that stretches as far as the eye can see, relax in a jacuzzi nestled in the middle of the woods, and admire the sunset over the lake; however, everyone here agrees that it’s the infinite kindness of the owners that makes each one of these experiences unforgettable. Embodying excellence in hospitality, the McLaughlins welcome you as a friend. They generously spread their good humor to a team devoted entirely to satisfying the slightest desire of their guests, who only aspire to one thing, which is to come back every year.


Moët & Chandon

Relais & Châteaux - Relais & Châteaux Welcome TrophyMoët & Chandon -Blair Hill Inn hotel Relais & Châteaux- Relais & Châteaux Welcome Trophy
Moët & Chandon -Blair Hill Inn hotel

Founded in 1743 by Jean-Rémy Moët, the Moët & Chandon champagne house established the first emblematic gestures that accompany celebrations and major events around the world. Blending tradition with innovation, Moët & Chandon has never stopped inventing new ways to celebrate life's most precious moments. Faithful to its innovative spirit, Moët & Chandon combines know-how and cutting-edge technologies to give birth to exceptional champagnes inseparable from these magical moments. Its vineyards located in Montagne de Reims, Côte des Blancs, the Marne Valley, Sézanne, and Aube, which is the largest Champagne wine-growing area, provide unequalled richness and consistent quality to vintages from the best crus of the region.