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Relais & Châteaux and Duval-Leroy award the "Sustainability 2021" trophy to Pikaia Lodge located on Santa Cruz Island in the center of the Galapagos Archipelago in Ecuador

Involved in encouraging the preservation of natural resources, Relais & Châteaux and Duval-Leroy are presenting the Sustainability Trophy to Pikaia Lodge, an elegant eco-friendly hotel nestled in the Galapagos Archipelago Nature Reserve.

The volcanic islands of the Galapagos, located in the Pacific Ocean 600 miles from the coast of Ecuador, are home to remarkable terrestrial and marine fauna for which the preservation of their natural environment has been a national priority since 1999. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the nineteen islets and the vast marine reserve that surrounds them are a true spectacle for divers and nature lovers. Set on the edge of a volcanic crater, Pikaia Lodge dominates the magnificent landscapes of the archipelago. Rooms with balconies and panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows offer the unique experience of becoming one with the natural splendors of the Galapagos.

Relais & Châteaux - Pikaia Lodge - Hotel Galápagos Relais & Châteaux - Pikaia Lodge - Hotel Galápagos

Encouraged by the local authorities, Pikaia Lodge wished from the outset of its project to be a model for developing responsible tourism, and to play an active role in protecting the biosphere. The lodges, rigorously made from locally sourced materials, are luxurious cocoons in which every detail has been thought out to reduce the carbon footprint, from the recovery of rainwater and its transformation into drinking water, to the use of solar energy and the diffusion of natural light inside each room. All these measures contribute to providing an experience that brings travelers closer to nature.

Built on the site of a former ranch, Pikaia Lodge also wanted to embark on an ambitious wildlife reintroduction program on its lands. In the past, the creation of pastures for cattle breeding had resulted in the disappearance of native vegetation conducive to the flourishing of the island's protected species. After six years of reforestation work, the property has proudly been restored to its original state, and the wild Galapagos birds and turtles to their natural habitat.



Pikaia Lodge - Duval-Leroy Champagne - Sustainability Trophy 2021 Relais & Châteaux Pikaia Lodge - Duval-Leroy Champagne - Sustainability Trophy 2021 Relais & Châteaux

The Duval-Leroy family has sustainably cultivated an exceptional wine estate in Champagne since 1859. Its vineyard flourishes in the land of the great chardonnays, respectful of nature, and gives birth to champagnes that glorify the terroir. Aware of the importance of protecting the environment, it’s the first champagne house to have created a certified organic cuvée brut. A pioneer in “oenoclimatism”, the Duval-Leroy house has obtained the Sustainable Wine Growing in Champagne label, and the High Environmental Value certification.