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The Loiseau des Sens Spa in Saulieu takes home the Gala Jury Grand Prize

Born of a desire to reconcile relaxation with a celebration of the senses, the Bernard Loiseau Spa fervently strives to reach new heights in spa and well-being expertise. Captivated by this approach, a clever mix of audacity and innovation, the Gala Jury recently awarded it its Grand Prize.

Because the path to (re)discovering balance and serenity is accessible only  thorough total harmony with oneself, Loiseau des Sens proposes a new dimension governed by two complementary universes explicitly named "pleasure" then "sensory", and whose multitude of virtues include its many invitations to let go, along with a complete change of scenery. The first aims to bring fundamental benefits – lasting happiness and relaxation – while the second offers a one-of-a-kind stimulation of the senses. In this Relais & Châteaux Spa, with its contemporary architecture, all Douglas fir wood and glass, the care provided is based on innovative techniques, adapted treatments and state-of-the-art equipment that remains respectful of the environment, including massage alcoves, a warm-jet area, an aquacycle and a Hydronox sofa, to name a few. In a setting of incomparable charm, in the heart of Burgundy, the place impresses with its aesthetic beauty, which was designed to navigate its customers between dream and reality until abolishing the border between the two. Covered entirely in mosaic, the fairy tale-like swimming pool certainly attests. It also reveals a most invigorating aquatic course. Finally, a revitalization path will direct you towards the hammam, sauna, ice fountain and sea air booth. It will also help transform your visit to the Loiseau des Sens Spa into a memorable experience where ultra-precise professionals with magic fingers prove to be authentic artists, whose ability to sculpt your senses grows along with their talent to leave you feeling fulfilled.

Le Relais Bernard Loiseau – Spa Loiseau des Sens

Le Relais Bernard Loiseau – Spa Loiseau des Sens

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