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Condé Nast Traveler Gold List 2020: 9 Relais & Châteaux properties feature among the best hotels in the world

The American magazine Condé Nast Traveler, which is dedicated to extraordinary travel experiences, has unveiled its Gold List 2020 of the best hotels and resorts in the world. This year, 9 Relais & Châteaux properties have enchanted the publication with their ability to transform a trip into a unique experience. 

In Canada, the United States, England, Italy, India, South Africa and New Zealand, the listed Relais & Châteaux properties open up new horizons while celebrating the uniqueness of local cultures.

Relais & Châteaux congratulates these establishments for being international ambassadors for the art of living to give full meaning to your travel experiences.

Dunton Hot Springs, Colorado, USA
Wooden chalets from a former mining town in Colorado have been converted for you to enjoy the benefits of the natural hot springs.

Dunton Hot Springs, Colorado, USA

The Wauwinet, New England, USA
A sophisticated retreat on the island of Nantucket for you to relive Herman Melville’s epic Moby Dick.

The Wauwinet

Wickaninnish Inn, British Columbia, Canada
A panoramic inn to contemplate the crashing waves of the Pacific Ocean which swell against Chesterman beach.

Wickaninnish Inn

Cliveden House, Berkshire, United Kingdom
An incredible 17th century home surrounded by 375 acres of land on the banks of the River Thames to learn about the art of making time stand still.

Cliveden House

Relais Borgo Santo Pietro, Tuscany, Italy
A period Tuscan villa located at the end of a path lined with cypresses and endless hills for you to enjoy nature along the route of Santiago de Compostela.

Relais Borgo Santo Pietro

Il San Pietro di Positano, Campania, Italy
A villa perched on a rocky headland with private access to a cove nestled in the heart of a cliff to enjoy the spectacular view over the bay.

Il San Pietro di Positano

Matakauri Lodge, Queenstown, New Zealand
A wonderful retreat on lake Wakatipu, the birthplace of ancient Maori legends, to enjoy one of the most serene landscapes in the world.

Matakauri Lodge

Rajmahal Palace, Jaipur, India
An opulent royal palace at the heart of a verdant oasis to explore the Pink City.



Ellerman House, Cape Town, South Africa
A historic Edwardian-style home to gaze at the spectacular panorama across the ocean.

Ellerman House