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Maîtres de Maison Relais & Châteaux

Zaw Lin Tun

Maître de Maison - Relais & Châteaux

Zaw Lin Tun


Chiang Mai - Thailand

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Maître de Maison Relais & Châteaux

Can you tell us the story of your property?

Rachamankha was the vision of Mr. Ong-ard Satrabhandhu, a National Artist of Thailand for his work in architecture, and Mr. Rooj Changtrakul, a renowned interior designer who while developing their home in the city also wanted to inspire local designers to look to their design roots and bring a distinctly local character and beauty back to city. Opened in 2004 the property exemplifies Chiang Mai’s design heritage, that of Chiang Mai’s golden age the Lanna period, and has inspired many local development projects to explore the region’s design heritage and bring Lanna design back to the city’s skyline. A beautiful property with a strong sense of place, Rachamankha, which is also the home of the owners, is lauded for its support and promotion of Chiang Mai’s Lanna culture and design heritage.

What is your trademark in terms of the art of generosity and warmth?

Rachamankha is the home of the owners and is also the home of our guests while staying in Chiang Mai. From the design of the property which creates private and serene spaces, to the warm, gentle and discreet classical Thai hospitality, the atmosphere is very much one of staying within a home and not simply within a hotel.

What memories do you want to give your customers?

Rachamankha’s many returning guests who have all become friends over the years enjoy the property’s unique sense of a home away from home, staying amongst friends. The hotel is also perfectly placed to enjoy the best of Chiang Mai and its Lanna heritage. The combination of regional art, extraordinary interior design, and traditional Lanna-style architecture combine to create an intimately luxurious yet authentic ambience with a true sense of place, rare to find anywhere else.

What passions do you share with your guests at your property?

The owners of Rachamankha, a National Artist of Thailand and a renowned designer, are keen supporters of the arts and of local culture and enjoy sharing these passions with guests and visitors of Rachamankha. The property regularly hosts art events supporting local artists from a variety of mediums, concerts of both classical and traditional music, and dinner parties celebrating local and international cuisines and chefs. L'Art de Vivre is very much alive and well at Rachamankha.


  • Hotel and restaurant in town.