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Maîtres de Maison Relais & Châteaux

Yann Potet

Maître de Maison - Relais & Châteaux

Yann Potet

Le Saint-James Bouliac

Bouliac - France

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Maître de Maison Relais & Châteaux

Tell us what connects you to the property.

The Saint-James is, above all, a modern property in perpetual evolution, embodying Relais & Châteaux values at the highest level, where we celebrate l'art de vivre à la bordelaise–the art of living in Bordeaux.

What do you hope to share with your guests?

For wine lovers: that we are at the center of one of the most beautiful vineyards in the world, and that it is easy to navigate and discover the different appellations of its wine.

For epicureans: our Michelin-starred, ‘bistronomic’ restaurant: our chef showcases the best of local produce. And a gourmet experience enhanced by a wine list with more than 1,500 references. We also share our chef's unique savoir-faire in cooking classes, so you can perfect your technique in an educational and friendly atmosphere.

For culture lovers: Bordeaux is full of cultural treasures. Museums, theaters, exhibitions… or you can simply absorb its unique heritage.

Our wish: to create guests who are loyal to the Saint-James, who share our vision and our passion for human and environmental values.

What is, for you, the art of hosting?

Simplicity, sharing, generosity, exchange and pleasure: these are the values that guide our teams at all times. We welcome guests with authenticity, so that they can enjoy unique experiences: we are, above all, creators of memories!

What particular memories do you want to convey to guests?

Let their stay be a multi-faceted experience: of gastronomy, relaxation and calm, of oenological discoveries. The location is just as important, with our hotel designed by Jean Nouvel and the breathtaking views of Bordeaux and its surroundings.

Le Saint-James Bouliac

  • Hotel and restaurant in a village.