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About Relais & Châteaux
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From Yosemite National Park to the Pacific, a trip to Southern California
7 Nights
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It's not just Hollywood: all of California seems to be a movie set. From Yosemite National Park to the Golden Gate Bridge, from the sumptuous coastal highway (Highway 1) to Venice Beach and the surfing beaches of San Diego, take a trip behind the wheel of a beautiful American convertible. Along the Pacific coast, the awe-inspiring Big Sur Coast Highway will lead you in the footsteps of Jack Kerouac, Henry Miller, Sharon Stone and Clint Eastwood, all to the tunes of the Beach Boys, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Kendrick Lamar...

This route was created by David Fink, Owner of L’Auberge Carmel Learn more.
170 miles
167 miles
132 miles
1 Oakhurst, Yosemite Nat. Park — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant
CDS_Drone Shot

Château du Sureau

Oakhurst, Yosemite Nat. Park - California, United States 12 rooms - 1 villa

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Hotel and restaurant in the mountains. The Château du Sureau is the ideal place from which to explore the waterfalls and granite domes of Yosemite National Park, one of America’s most spectacular natural sites. This majestic hotel is reminiscent of the finest European châteaux. Its elegant interior, with guest rooms named after herbs and flowers, is resplendent with antiques, tapestries and artworks. The restaurant showcases the freshest Californian produce in sophisticated dishes packed with flavor and accompanied by the region’s best wines. If you are lucky enough to visit on July, you will be treated to the Elderberry Harvest Dinner, a fabulous five-course feast in honor of the château’s namesake. ... Learn moreless

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(from) US$ 425
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Walking in Yosemite National Park

Walking in Yosemite National Park

Classified as a national park in 1890, and listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984, Yosemite is California’s third largest park. Its over three thousand km2 of protected nature make it a real paradise for hiking fans. The paths encircle the granite domes and waterfalls, delving deep into the forest...

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On the route

Mission San Juan Bautista

Mission San Juan Bautista

Located between the Château du Sureau and Carmel, the 15th among California’s 21 missions was established in 1797. You might recognize the bell tower that Hitchcock filmed in 1957 in his stunning Vertigo. The vaults inside, covered in frescoes, evoke a part of the country’s history. San Juan Bautista...

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170 miles
167 miles
132 miles
2 Carmel by the Sea — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant

L’Auberge Carmel

Carmel-by-the-Sea - California, United States 20 rooms

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Restaurant and hotel in town. Henry Miller said that he learned to pray in front of the stunning scenery of Big Sur. Carmel-by-the-Sea is the ideal base for marveling at these immense cliffs plunging down into the ocean. Halfway between San Francisco and the Santa Barbara coast, inhabited by seals and whales, Carmel – where Clint Eastwood was once mayor – will charm you with its art galleries and pebble beaches. This romantic hotel, decorated with lovely European fabrics and antiques, is ideally located in the heart of the village, a pleasant short walk away from the famous Carmel Beach. The delicious cuisine, a well-stocked wine cellar and superb massages will give it a special place in your heart. ... Learn moreless

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2 Michelin Stars 2024
(from) US$ 400
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Big Sur

Big Sur

It’s one of the most beautiful roads in the world. It’s like you’re driving along a movie set. With its cliffs, forests, and coves lapped by emerald water, Big Sur offers a stunning array of scenery. Re-read Jack Kerouac, who drew an amazing novel from it. In winter, whales come to spawn along the coast....

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170 miles
167 miles
132 miles
3 Los Angeles — 1 Night
25 - jack-finnigan-aEkk0KxvPpg-unsplash

Los Angeles, City of Angels and Stars

Los Angeles

Dominated by the nine most beautiful white letters in the world—HOLLYWOOD—Los Angeles is a megalopolis that always seems to expand without limits. The freeway interchanges here serve as successive crossroads leading to the surrounding cities. From the Walk of Fame to Venice Beach, from Santa Monica to Malibu, the City of Angels remains an extraordinary magnet that attracts a diverse crowd for its atmosphere, energy, and incredible creativity.   ... Learn moreless

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Established on the famed Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles, Providence is one of the city’s most sought-after dining establishments. The restaurant invites you to take an unforgettable dive into an oceanic world for a multi-sensory dining experience. The tasting menus and à la carte options are a blend of...

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170 miles
167 miles
132 miles
4 Rancho Santa Fe — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant
Casa Valencia - Web-1004

Rancho Valencia Resort & Spa

Rancho Santa Fe - California, United States 52 rooms - 4 villas

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Hotel and restaurant in town. Blending luxury with the authentic spirit of relaxed Southern Californian living, Rancho Valencia welcomes its guests with grace and gusto. Near the chic beaches of La Jolla and Del Mar, this is an exclusive and tranquil hideaway set among 18 hectares of rolling hills, orange groves and gardens full of hibiscus and cacti. Reminiscent of Spanish-colonial haciendas, the bungalow suites boast stunning craftsmanship, including hand-painted tiles and custom furnishings. With its world-renowned tennis program, innovative cuisine and rejuvenating spa, not to mention the year-round sunny climate, Rancho Valencia is the perfect place to discover this beautiful region. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
(from) US$ 899.10
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Relais & Châteaux Addison

Relais & Châteaux Addison

Over the years, Addison has established itself as one of the finest culinary experiences in California. Chef William Bradley’s artisanal approach to cooking, based on an admiration for French cuisine, draws inspiration from the seasons. Ever attentive to the purity of the flavors, he enhances his ingredients...

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Texts : © Guides Gallimard
Photos: © frank mckenna on Unsplash, Nick Vasilopoulos, Jack Finnigan on Unsplash, Rakshith Hatwar on Unsplash, Gabriel Tovar on Unsplash, Thomas Ciszewski on Unsplash, Sapan Patel on Unsplash