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India - Two-bedroom Residence
(from) / night US$ 957.23

India - Two-bedroom Residence

Croatia (Hrvatska)Korčula


This property is annually closed. Reopening on 4/15/25

India - Two-bedroom Residence

Apartment of the property Lešić Dimitri Palace

Easily reached from Dubrownik or Split, the town of Korčula is a destination that would be a shame to miss. Located in the heart of the old town, India, a two-bedroom residence at Lešić Dimitri Palace, welcomes guests to a setting made for cosy and sweet moments with family and friends. The flat’s stone walls and wooden ceiling give this holiday rental an authentic and intimate feel. And in the evenings, the large sofa is perfect for enjoying a drink together before heading out to dine at one of the excellent konoba tavern-style restaurants in town.


  • Two-bedrooms residence – 2 Queen beds – 115sqm /1237sqft
  • Located on the ground floor – Secluded courtyard
  • Natural stone ambience – Cool temperature
  • Two en-suite bathrooms with showers
  • Minibar – Air conditioning – 5 Star in-room amenities
  • Kitchen amenities
  • No extra bed possible – 4 Persons maximum

Good to know

  • Cars are not permitted in the old town

We especially like

  • The creative cuisine of the LD restaurant, whose chef, Marko Gajski, has been awarded a Michelin star
  • The treatments offered at Lešić Dimitri’s spa, whose names allude to stops along the Silk Road and whose influences are drawn from India, Thailand and the Mediterranean


015 Korcula-town-3- ©shutterstock
Where the Silk Road begins See details
Kata boat
Sail back in time with Kata See details

Services offered by the property

  • When preparing your trip, don’t hesitate to contact Lešić Dimitri Palace to obtain more detailed information about the services and food options available at your vacation villa or home. You will also be able to access all the hotel’s services and facilities and organize your activities at the reception desk.
  • See all services


China - Two-bedroom Residence

China - Two-bedroom Residence

Arabia - One-bedroom Residence

Arabia - One-bedroom Residence

Ceylon - One-bedroom Residence

Ceylon - One-bedroom Residence

Venice - Three-bedroom Residence

Venice - Three-bedroom Residence

Disover all Villas by Relais & Châteaux
Lešić Dimitri Palace Don Pavla Poše 1-6
20260, Korčula
Croatia (Hrvatska)
4 travelers
2 rooms
2 bathrooms
1238 sqft
(from) / night US$ 957.23
Minimum length of stay: consult the calendar