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Relais & Châteaux Chef

Reimund Brunner

Chef - Relais & Châteaux

1 Michelin Star 2025

Reimund Brunner

Gardena Grödnerhof Hotel & Spa

Ortisei/Val Gardena - Italy

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Chef Relais & Châteaux

How did you become a Chef?

I worked in different restaurants during the summer holidays in my teenage years. This is where I got my passion for cooking and my dream to become a professional chef.

How would you define your cuisine?

It is a simple cuisine. Its main focus lies in emphasizing the products.

What are your favourite products and criteria for choosing?

Goat products and beef from local producers. To me it is very important to support local producers and the local economy.

What is your signature?

Simplicity, joy and the real taste of the food on the plate.

What professions surround you and what would you like to pass on to them?

I’m surrounded by young professionals who are greatly motivated. I would like to transmit them joy and devotion, because it is something guests notice as well as the desire to move forward and never stop learning.

Do you have a Chef’s tip for Sunday cooking?

Tagliatelle with mushrooms, walnuts and creamy local cheese, for two : cook the tagliatelle noodles “al dente”, slice the mushrooms (200 g) and sear them with salt and pepper, put the noodles in the pan with the mushrooms, add a cooking spoon of noodle water and swing until it gets creamy. Put everything on your plate and add some Parmesan on top. Enjoy!

Les restaurants Relais & Châteaux de Reimund Brunner

Anna Stuben

  • 1 Michelin Star 2025
  • Creative cooking