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Casa do Ancoradouro

Casa do Ancoradouro



Casa do Ancoradouro

Villa of the property Herdade da Malhadinha Nova

Embark for the sunny region of Baixo Alentejo, a real treasure of Portugal. Here in the heart of the Herdade da Malhadinha Nova hotel estate, the Casa do Ancoradouro welcomes families and groups of friends. This iconic villa, which features seven spacious suites and a private terrace, combines tradition and modernity. Its terracotta floors, shaped by a local craftsman, harmonizes with views over vineyards that stretch into the ochre-colored horizon. A unique holiday awaits you in this beautifully preserved natural environment. During the day, explore the estate on horseback, at one with nature. On your return, cool down in your private swimming pool, then enjoy the selection of wines produced on the estate. In the evening, there's plenty of room to gather in the shared spaces of the casa – with one seat at the Steinway & Sons grand piano ready to entertain the rest.


  • Villa with 7 Exclusive suites – 700sqm / 7534sqft
  • Each with a King bed and an en-suite bathroom
  • Outdoor swimming pool – 880sqm Garden – Garden view
  • Terraces and porches with lounge and leisure areas
  • Outdoor areas with unique views of the Alentejo plain
  • Living room with fireplaces – Kitchen – Wine Bar – Library
  • Located in Herdade do Ancoradouro, Casa do Ancoradouro, at the highest point of the estate, finds its inspiration in the colour of the surrounding land
  • The terracotta pavement is manually produced by a master artisan from Beringel, it is made from the clayey soils from the surrounding landscape. This pavement is the ex-libris of this house, where the preservation of tradition and modernism are ever more present
  • 7 En-suite bathrooms with bathtub and separate shower – Makeup mirrors – Hairdryers – Bathrobes and slippers – Claus Porto bathroom toiletries – Separate toilets
  • Complimentary WiFi – Satellite televisions – Harman Kardon speaker and I Pad
  • Underfloor heating and air conditioning – Safes – Espresso machine
  • Private Buggies included
  • 2 Extra beds possible only for children up to 11 years old per suite or 1 Extra bed for an adult – Charges apply – 14 Adults and 14 Children

Good to know

  • Vale do Guadiana Natural Park is reachable in just 30 minutes by car

We especially like

  • Indulging in the many activities offered by The Baixo Alentejo region, from hiking to canoeing, wine tours and wildlife excursions
  • Taking advantage of the equestrian center with its elegant Lusitano thoroughbreds


Hot air balloon flight_1
Alentejo from the sky See details
Visit a vineyard on horseback See details
Experience Quad - Herdade
Off-road adventure See details

Services offered by the property

  • When preparing your trip, don’t hesitate to contact Herdade da Malhadinha Nova to obtain more detailed information about the services and food options available at your vacation villa or home. You will also be able to access all the hotel’s services and facilities and organize your activities at the reception desk.
  • See all services


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Disover all Villas by Relais & Châteaux
Herdade da Malhadinha Nova Herdade da Malhadinha Nova

7800-601, Beja
( Alentejo )
28 travelers
7 rooms
7 bathrooms
7535 sqft
Minimum length of stay: consult the calendar