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Skiing in the Rockies: a winter wonderland between the USA and Canada

In the heart of the American and Canadian Rockies, winter is set to offer a myriad of activities: downhill skiing, dog sledding, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, carriage rides and ice skating. In Montana, Colorado and Alberta, there’s something for everyone in this landscape of pine forests, frozen lakes, valleys and national parks. At our welcoming Relais & Châteaux properties you can enjoy warm cosy interiors with our signature rustic elegance. Suites of pale wood, woollen blankets, crackling fires in front of which you can warm up with a hot chocolate, the perfect ally on a winter’s day. This winter paradise really does exist and it’s waiting for you in the Rockies!

In Colorado, at an altitude of 2,400 metres, the upmarket ski resort of Aspen offers a well-known ski area for all piste aficionados. At the foot of the slopes, The Little Nell offers direct mountain access and promises a timeless experience.

The Little Nell

The Little Nell

The Little Nell

A former Colorado mining town dating from 1800 and deserted in 1918, this ghost town in the San Juan Mountains  has been fully restored in the spirit of the time. Against this backdrop, the Dunton Hot Springs is home to hot water springs perfect for relaxing after activities such as heli-skiing, snowshoeing or cross-country skiing.

Dunton Hot Springs

Dunton Hot Springs

Dunton Hot Springs

In the heart of the Elk River Valley, The Home Ranch offers the opportunity to experience the legendary American West in a sumptuous Colorado ranch. Indulge in some cross country, downhill or Telemark skiing.

The Home Ranch

The Home Ranch

The Home Ranch

In Montana’s breath-taking scenery, the Triple Creek Ranch gives you the chance to enjoy a thrilling dog sled experience. You’ll love this extraordinary activity that everyone should try at least once in their life!

Triple Creek Ranch

Triple Creek Ranch

Triple Creek Ranch

Beneath the immensity of Montana’s skies, The Ranch at Rock Creek offers the unusual experience of Ranch life in the American West. Ideal for a couple or family, enjoy plenty of fun in the snow, with mountain biking and horse-drawn carriage rides.

The Ranch at Rock Creek

The Ranch at Rock Creek

The Ranch at Rock Creek

In Canada, in a fairy-tale setting in the heart of Banff National Park, the Post Hotel & Spa is the ideal place to enjoy everything Lake Louise has to offer. Dog sledding and downhill skiing are just some of the timeless experiences that await you in this stunning backdrop.

Post Hotel & Spa

Post Hotel & Spa

Post Hotel & Spa