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Relais & Châteaux and Orlane award the Well-being 2021 trophy to Grantley Hall in Ripon, Yorkshire

Captivated by these places of tranquility that invite you on a true sensory journey, Relais & Châteaux and Orlane award the "Well-being Trophy" to Grantley Hall for the splendor of its spa The Three Grace, and the promise of a precious rendezvous within the sublime natural setting surrounding this Georgian manor house.

The majestic 17th-century manor house surrounded by a vast park that blends into the rolling Yorkshire landscape combines all the ingredients necessary to provide a timeless break dedicated to beauty and well-being. The elegance of the building, the idyllic charm of the gardens, the unforgettable gastronomic experience, and the treatments at the spa promise you delightful bliss.

Relais & Châteaux - Grantley Hall - hotel Yorkshire - Hotel Spa Relais & Châteaux - Grantley Hall - hotel Yorkshire - Hotel Spa

At Grantley Hall, each person can recharge their batteries at their own pace, according to their desires and the activities available, which include moments of contemplation in the Japanese garden classified as a historic monument, country walks along the Skell River, or a visit to the Cistercian Abbey of Fountains, a UNESCO World Heritage site. The experience then continues at the 2021 Michelin Guide one-star restaurant, home of talented local chef Shaun Rankin, or at one of the other four restaurants on the property. As the culmination of this journey entirely dedicated to well-being, The Three Grace spa is another oasis of delight. Placed under the protection of the Greek goddesses of beauty, fulfillment, and vitality, the indoor and outdoor swimming pools, whirlpools, hammam, sauna, snow cabin, and personalized treatments complete this invitation to relax.



Relais & Châteaux - Relais & Châteaux Well-being Trophy - Grantley Hall - Orlane Relais & Châteaux - Relais & Châteaux Well-being Trophy - Grantley Hall - Orlane

The French haute cosmétique house was founded in 1947 by a pharmacist with a true passion for plants and nature. In its research and development laboratory, Orlane formulates precious skin care products that are based on natural ingredients or ingredients obtained through biotechnology, and selected for their effectiveness. Orlane’s skin care products and routines are designed to allow the skin to regain its own original properties. Made in France with respect for human values, Orlane products have excelled in the art of enhancing women's beauty and well-being for over 70 years.