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Relais & Châteaux and Blancpain award the “Heritage 2022” trophy to the hotel and spa Son Brull in Pollença on the island of Mallorca in the Spanish archipelago of the Balearic Islands

With a passion for the cultural heritage of the past, Relais & Châteaux and Blancpain present the Heritage Trophy to Son Brull Hotel & Spa, a former monastery listed as a World Heritage site, perched on the heights of Mallorca.

This former Jesuit monastery, housed in a 12th-century building, surrounded by vineyards between the Serra de Tramuntana and the coves of Cap de Formentor, has become a sanctuary for epicurean travelers seeking tranquility.

Relais & Châteaux - Son Brull Hotel & Spa Relais & Châteaux - Son Brull

Son Brull Hotel & Spa  epitomizes the dream of Llorenç Suau and his children Alexandre, Miquel and Mar: offering a holistic experience inspired by the surrounding nature. The monastery has been restored respecting its history and its environment in order to highlight its architectural heritage. Noble and raw materials selected by local artisans bring the past and contemporary design together to create a refuge of refined elegance. In the restaurant 3/65, the chef Andreu Segura offers a reinterpretation of traditional Mallorcan recipes and celebrates the island's products, especially vegetable and herbs from the garden, citrus fruit from the orchard and olive oil and wines of the property. In the spa, all the treatments given are made from exclusively natural ingredients, based on mountain plants and fleur de sel.

The Suau family has thus created the ideal setting for refreshing the mind and body, a house where calm, well-being, and gastronomy reign in harmony with nature.



Relais & Châteaux - Blancpain - Son Brull - Heritage Trophy Relais & Châteaux - Blancpain - Son Brull - Heritage Trophy

Founded in 1735 by Jehan-Jacques Blancpain in the Swiss Jura, Blancpain is the oldest watch brand in the world. Faithful to its tradition of innovation, as evidenced by the countless complications invented over the years, the Manufacture is constantly pushing the limits of watchmaking in order to take this art where it has never gone before. The relationship between the world of fine watchmaking and haute cuisine, between Blancpain and the Art of Living, is obvious, both in terms of their shared commitment to craftsmanship, the importance attached to product quality, and respect for the terroir and traditions. The quest for excellence, know-how, technical precision, and passion are all shared values. For more than 30 years, Blancpain has maintained a special relationship with some of the world's greatest chefs, who boast a total of 100 Michelin stars, past and present. In 2014, the Brand joined forces with Relais & Châteaux to promote a sense of hospitality and an irreproachable quality of service.