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Condé Nast Traveler Readers’ Choice Awards 2018: 38 award-winning Relais & Châteaux in North America

The North American winners of the Condé Nast Traveler Readers Choice 2018 have just been revealed. Based on the feedback, ratings and experiences of 429,000 readers, the results highlight some of North America’s hotel gems. Among the winners to appear on the prestigious prize list are 38 Relais & Châteaux, including 22 in the "Hotels" category and 16 in the "Resorts" category.
Travelers and readers of Condé Nast Traveler were impressed by the quality of the hotels, the exceptional hospitality and the wide array of experiences available at our Relais & Châteaux: the breathtaking views of nature in all its glory, the unforgettable skyline views of lively Manhattan, the country charm at the foot of the Smoky Mountains, the vineyard tours in Napa Valley…
Congratulations to the lucky winners for faithfully upholding the values we hold dear!



#9 Auberge Saint-Antoine, Québec, Québec, Canada – “The wonders of the New World”

Auberge Saint-Antoine


#11 Manoir Hovey, North Hatley, Québec, Canada – “Cultivating a subtle “art de vivre”

Manoir Hovey


#16 Wedgewood Hotel & Spa, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada – “An Oasis of excellence in the heart of a vibrant city”

Wedgewood Hotel & Spa



#3 Auberge du Soleil, Rutherford, California, USA – "In the midst of the famous vineyards of Napa Valley"

Auberge du Soleil


#7 L’Auberge Carmel, Carmel-by-the-Sea, California, USA – “Romance in Carmel-by-the-Sea”

L’Auberge Carmel



#13 Planters Inn, Charleston, South Carolina, USA – “Fall in love with one of America’s most romantic and picturesque cities.”

 Planters Inn



#10 The Little Nell, Aspen, Colorado, USA – “Welcome to one of the finest ski hotels in the world!”

The Little Nell


Midatlantic/New York State

#4 The Ivy Hotel, Baltimore, Maryland, USA – “A historic mansion hotel nestled in the heart of the city”

The Ivy Hotel


#18 The Inn at Little Washington, Washington, Virginia, USA – “An experience you may not be able to find anywhere else in the world”

The Inn at Little Washington


New England

#1 Windham Hill Inn, West Townshend, Vermont, USA - “An abundance of flowers”

Windham Hill Inn


#6 The Pitcher Inn, Warren, Vermont, USA – “Relaxed refinement in the heart of a charming Vermont village”

The Pitcher Inn


#11 Blantyre, Lenox, Massachusets, USA – “The perfume of romance”



#14 Castle Hill Inn, Newport, Rhode Island, USA – “The warmth and elegance of 19th century coastal life”

Castle Hill Inn


#17 Camden Harbour Inn, Camden, Maine, USA – “European elegance on the rocky shoreline of Maine”

Camden Harbour Inn


#27 Grace Mayflower Inn & Spa, Washington, Connecticut, USA – “A little corner of paradise not far from New York City”

Grace Mayflower Inn & Spa


#33 Inn at Hastings Park, Lexington, Massachusets, USA - “We wanted our hotel to be an extension of our own home”

Inn at Hastings Park


#37 Watch Hill Inn, Watch Hill, Rhode Island, USA – “A turn-of-the-century seaside escape”

Watch Hill Inn


New York City

#18 The Surrey, New York, New York, USA – “Privately New York: a Manhattan pied-à-terre”

 The Surrey


North Carolina, Tennessee

#17 Old Edwards Inn and Spa, Highlands, North Carolina, USA – “The most stunning vistas of the Blue Ridge Mountains”

Old Edwards Inn and Spa


#23 The Fearrington House Inn, Pittsboro, North Carolina, USA – “Celebrated cuisine and a relaxing spa in an elegant village of charm”

The Fearrington House


#26 Blackberry Farm, Walland, Tennessee, USA – “Reconnecting with nature in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains”

Blackberry Farm


The Southwest

#5 The Inn of the Five Graces, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA – “The mysteries of the West”

The Inn of the Five Graces




#1 Wickaninnish Inn, Tofino, British Columbia, Canada – “Rustic elegance on Canada’s west coast”

Wickaninnish Inn


#4 Sonora Resort, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada – “Comfort and refinement in the heart of pristine nature”

Sonora Resort



#33 Montpelier Plantation & Beach, Charlestown, Saint-Kitts-and-Nevis, USA – "A 300-year-old sugar plantation that now happily embraces effortless luxury"

Montpelier Plantation & Beach



#9 Meadowood Napa Valley, St. Helena, California, USA – “Meadowood invites you to enjoy the heart of the Napa Valley’s prestigious wine country”

Meadowood Napa Valley



#3 Rancho Valencia Resort & Spa, Rancho Santa Fe, California, USA – “Serene, intimate and refined”

Rancho Valencia Resort & Spa



#1 Hotel Wailea, Wailea, Hawai, USA - “Relax and reconnect in an intimate Hawaiian oasis”

Hotel Wailea


New England

#4 Ocean House, Watch Hill, Rhode Island, USA – “A turn-of-the-century seaside escape”

Ocean House


#6 Weekapaug Inn, Westerly, Rhode Island, USA – “Explore nature and immerse yourself in history”

Weekapaug Inn


#18 The Wauwinet, Nantucket, Massachusets, USA – “Nantucket, the inspiration for Herman Melville’s great white whale, Moby Dick”

The Wauwinet


#21 Twin Farms, Barnard, Vermont, USA – “Returning guests affectionately call it their second home”

Twin Farms


#23 Winvian Farm, Morris, Connecticut, USA – “Memorable moments in Connecticut”

Winvian Farm


Midatlantic/New York State  

#7 Lake Placid Lodge, Lake Placid, New York, USA – “An extraordinary Lodge in a great American jewel, the Adirondacks”

Lake Placid Lodge


The West/Montana

#1 Triple Creek Ranch, Darby, Montana, USA – “An adult hideaway offering the romance of the West”

Triple Creek Ranch


#3 The Ranch at Rock Creek, Philipsburg, Montana, USA – “Experience an immense natural wilderness in Big Sky Country”

The Ranch at Rock Creek


The West/Colorado

#2 The Home Ranch, Clark, Colorado, USA – “At the heart of the Elk River Valley”

The Home Ranch


#7 Dunton Hot Springs, Dolores, Colorado, USA – “A ghost town in Colorado, the ultimate romantic break”

Dunton Hot Springs