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The 2017 Villégiature Awards honour 3 Relais & Châteaux properties

The 15th edition of the Villégiature Awards was held 16 October 2017, an event which gives awards to the most beautiful hotels in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.                
This year, three Relais & Châteaux properties were honoured with an award: The Hotel Heritage, the Monte Carlo Beach and the Hôtel & Spa du Castellet, with the restaurant of Christophe Bacquié.

  • The award for best breakfast in Europe went to the Hotel Heritage (Bruges - Belgium)

You can choose between a full buffet with champagne served in an exceptional dining room dating from 1869 or a continental breakfast in the bar. The ample buffet offers a wide variety of fresh local products. On the sweeter side, you’ll also be able to enjoy several types of bread and Danish pastries, a wide variety of jams and preserves, and let's not forget the old-style Belgian waffles, all accompanied by hand-squeezed fruit juices. Fruit and cereal are also available along with more savoury dishes such as smoked salmon and carefully selected cold meats.

Hôtel Héritage - Bruges

> Discover the Hotel Heritage and its restaurant


  • The award for the best swimming pool in Europe went to the Monte Carlo Beach (Monaco)

In a distinctly refined setting, this villa was renovated in a 1930’s style by the architect India Mahdavi and features an Olympic-sized seawater swimming pool. Heated to 24°C, the pool offers you a pleasant bathing experience as well as aqua bike, aquagym, stand-up paddle and swimming classes. Big and small swimmers alike will find happiness in the pool, which ranges in depth from 0.80m to 3.50m and has two diving boards. The pool’s blue molten glass mosaic tiles are in harmony with the sea close-by.

Monte Carlo Beach

> Discover the Monte Carlo Beach and its sublime swimming pool


  • The award for best hotel restaurant in Europe was given to Christophe Bacquié at the Hôtel & Spa du Castellet (France)

Christophe Bacquié - Hôtel & Spa du Castellet

Among the 5 nominees, Chef Christophe Bacquié came out on top for his restaurant located in The Var between pine forests and the Mediterranean Sea. He boasts a cuisine that fosters human relationships and moments shared between friends or family. His favourite fish are red mullet and John Dory, which he goes in search of each morning at the Sanary market and loves to cook quite simply by pan searing.

Hôtel & Spa du Castellet

> Discover the Hôtel & Spa du Castellet and the Christophe Bacquié restaurant