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Maîtres de Maison Relais & Châteaux

Yolanda and Jon-Ivar Sörensen

Maîtres de Maison - Relais & Châteaux

Yolanda and Jon-Ivar Sörensen

Landgoed Hotel Het Roode Koper

Leuvenum (Ermelo) - Netherlands

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Maître de Maison Relais & Châteaux

Tell us: what’s the story of your Maison?

Roode Koper was built in 1910 by the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies at the time, who made it his country home. In 1947, the Van der Werf family bought the house and transformed it into a hotel. Ever since, it has been passed on to their descendants and is now in the hands of the third generation, the Sörensen family.

What is your signature style when it comes to the art of generosity and warmth?

It’s not only the beauty of the of the preserved setting located near the Netherlands’ biggest forest that characterizes Roode Koper. Our sense of hospitality gives this family-run hotel a warm and friendly atmosphere. Our guests come back to celebrate the most important moments of their lives.

How do you create bonds with your guests?

We provide all of our guests with unforgettable experiences. They can relax, celebrate big events or enjoy a nice meal. We strive to create delightful experiences. 

What is close to your heart that you would like to share with your guests?

Rood Koper allows you to explore a range of exquisite sensations, whether while walking through the forest with our nature expert, horse riding in the surroundings, visiting our local producers with the chef or participating in a wine tasting in the company of the Sommelier. We share the best features with our guests.

Landgoed Hotel Het Roode Koper

  • Hotel and restaurant in a park.