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Maîtres de Maison Relais & Châteaux

Sakis Dinas

Maître de Maison - Relais & Châteaux

Sakis Dinas

Lucknam Park Hotel & Spa

Colerne near Bath - United Kingdom

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Maître de Maison Relais & Châteaux

Can you tell us the story of your property?

It is suggested that Lucknam was a Saxon settlement dating from before the norman invasion. As far back as 1199 there is evidence of a farmhouse at the current site of the main house. More recently it was transformed into a hotel in 1988 and is in the hands of the current owners since 1994.

What is your trademark in terms of the art of generosity and warmth?

We want every guest to feel like they are visiting friends whilst respecting their privacy. I am always around the hotel and try to speak to as many guests as possible and I encourage the team to do the same.

What memories do you want to give your customers?

We are always aiming to achieve the highest possible standards but we like to do so in a very relaxed way and connect with each guest in a personal way. Our guests know us by name and we know them. It is my believe that guests will return for the connection with the staff more than for the beauty of a property.


What passions do you share with your guests at your property?

Enjoy the country and nature.

Enjoy our award winning spa facilities to unwind and relax.

Enjoy the culinary delights of our one Michelin star restaurant.  

Enjoy a unique experience in our equestrian center. 

Lucknam Park Hotel & Spa

  • Hotel and restaurant in the country.