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Maîtres de Maison Relais & Châteaux

Marios Daktylides

Maître de Maison - Relais & Châteaux

Marios Daktylides

Myconian Korali

Mykonos - Greece

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Maître de Maison Relais & Châteaux

Can you tell us the story of your property?

There is something about a family business, that synthesis of heritage, loyalty and emotion; 

“Our parents built the Myconian Collection from the ground up and my brothers and I are as proud of our roots as we are of how much we’ve grown” today.

Success was built on the back of hard work.

It was 1979, when my father George Daktylides became the island’s third hotelier when the 25-room Kohili opened in 1979.Set high above Alefkandra habour and looking directly onto the famous 16th-century windmills on the edge of Chora, it commanded sweeping views of the Aegean Sea and was an instant hit; Korali was built a year later doubling the room count.

My mother, Eleftheria Daktylides made breakfasts for all the guests, did the housekeeping and laundry. During our summer breaks all my brothers and I were expected to help out at the hotel, serving breakfast trays, setting and clearing tables and learning the trade. Our parents sacrificed everything to create opportunity for us.

Personal touch and attention to detail resulted in a loyal clientele and a reputation that spread by word of mouth. 

Nowadays I am so proud that I have built a property that showcases great accommodations, friendly staff and finest food and wine.

But we need to keep moving. Great hospitality is like sustaining the romance in a serious relationship as I always mentioned.

Today I manage the property and I am always present to talk to the guests and ensure that they are welcomed home.

What is your trademark in terms of the art of generosity and warmth?

Tradition meets elegance; the hotel oozes charm and guests enjoy the utmost privacy and a sense of exclusivity.

From the very first moment of arrival guests at Myconian Korali will feel the warmth of being ‘welcomed home’. The team take great pride in being the most attentive but discreet hosts.

Always the team makes every guest feel like he or she is staying in their home away from home!

What memories do you want to give your customers?

True hospitality. 

Home away from home” has been the slogan for this hotel for ages; genuine hospitality, attention to details and all the personal attention given from the staff and Myself have been separating us from other hotels in the area. We are able to take care of our guests and very often when they proceed with checkout, they are sad to leave. They cannot wait to come back! Guests feel they made new friends in one of the most picturesque surroundings imaginable, with a memory for life and the desire to return.


What passions do you share with your guests at your property?

We are committed to sharing our passion with guests via all the top-level services we provide, from the Chef, whose creations lead them on a discovery of fresh local ingredients, the Satory Thalassotherapy Spa that provides them with a genuine moment of well-being, to the Front Office Agents who constantly seek out new places to propose for tours and dining suggestions.

Each staff member works within his or her own field of expertise to build upon the foundation of our business and provide each customer with a unique experience.  

Myconian Korali

  • Hotel and restaurant on the seafront.