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Maîtres de Maison Relais & Châteaux

Kerry Molloy

Maître de Maison - Relais & Châteaux

Kerry Molloy

Huka Lodge

Taupo - New Zealand

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Maître de Maison Relais & Châteaux

Can you tell us the story of your property?

It was founded in the 1920’s by an Irishman who was looking to create a simple fishing camp. The fame and reputation spread incredibly quickly and it became one of the best kept secrets. Since then Huka Lodge proudly celebrates this heritage and stays true to the values that have defined its iconic reputation.

What is your trademark in terms of the art of generosity and warmth?

As General Manager, I ensure the team are well trained and able to embody the ethos and culture of the property when offering a high level of attentive and personal service which is unrivalled and goes some way to explain why Huka Lodge has received so much recognition for its consistently high levels of service. 

What memories do you want to give your customers?

With the heritage many of our guests share their experiences with friends and family, these stories travel through generations so we are now creating bespoke experiences that can be passed onto future generations. Our guests experience an emotional connection with the property, and this is due to the many layers ; the service, design, food & beverage, the location, the beauty, the heritage. 

What passions do you share with your guests at your property?

We have created packages that bring the best out of Huka Lodge and events that bring together another layer of interests such as luxury brands and human connection inclduing food immersion through packages. Exploring the gardens, natural beauty and the cultural aspect from the art and the connection with the local maori and sustainability initiatives.

Huka Lodge

  • Hotel and restaurant in a park.