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Discover all our hosts
Maîtres de Maison Relais & Châteaux

Alexandre, Miquel and Mar Suau

Maîtres de Maison - Relais & Châteaux

Alexandre, Miquel and Mar Suau

Son Brull Hotel & Spa

Pollença - Spain

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Maître de Maison Relais & Châteaux

Can you tell us the story of your property?

This abandoned former monastery has been transformed into a luxury hotel, with careful renovation works restoring the destination to its former glory. Set against the Serra de Tramuntana mountain range, it offers a unique and peaceful stay in tranquil, harmonious surroundings.

What is your trademark in terms of the art of generosity and warmth?

We are the second generation of hoteliers to manage this family-owned hotel, following in the footsteps of our father, whose dream was to make Son Brull what it is today. We like to continue this family spirit when working with our teams, to create an atmosphere of trust noticed and appreciated by our guests. A closely knit team makes all the difference.

What memories do you want to give your customers?

A feeling of peaceful wellness, absolute tranquility and oneness – that is what we would like our guests to remember about their stay at Son Brull.

What passions do you share with your guests at your property?

We are three siblings who share a love for good food, fine wine, local and authentic produce, the simple things in life, and the human dimension of our work. Majorca is a heaven for sports lovers like us. We enjoy cycling, water sports, running, hiking, yoga and tennis and love to share these activities with any guests wishing to join in.

Son Brull Hotel & Spa

  • Hotel and restaurant in the country.