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Hotel Albergo
(from) US$ 275

Hotel Albergo



Awaken all the senses

The Hanging Garden

The terrace on the top floor of the hotel and provides a 360 degree view of the horizon. Look over the landscape, breathe in the mixed aromas of flowering jasmine and bougainvillea, and let yourself be carried away by the benefits of the water in the heart of the city, the distant murmur of which can be heard. These are the rare sensations which make up the terrace's special features. Enjoy breakfast delicacies on the terrace as the sun rises, and when the moment comes for a refreshing break, nothing is more exotic than drinking the home-made lemonade while breathing in the fruity perfume of the orange trees.
Rhéa Ayoub - Sales Manager

Italy pays Lebanon a visit

In this majestic room, Italy has visited the Land of the Cedars since 1992. The chef chooses exceptional products: pasta, cheeses, hams, fresh porcini mushrooms from Italy, home-made ravioli, and fruit and vegetables freshly picked by market gardeners in the Lebanese mountains. Guided by his natural tendency, the chef perfectly executes the traditional Italian dishes of risotto and speciality pasta, including the famous capellini with asparagus enhanced with a white Alba truffle-flavoured cream, which has become a house speciality.

Lebanese Breakfast

At the Albergo, food is prepared with an abundance of different ingredients, shapes, colours, and influences inspired by dreams of the East; it is all about sharing the passion, simplicity and warmth of our chef. Our Lebanese breakfast is made from fresh local products such as our traditional cheeses, pan-fried eggs, wild oak honey, olive oil and juicy red tomatoes.

An Invitation to Travel

The Albergo's talent lies in the ability to offer guests the wonderful illusion of being at home, elsewhere. The personalisation of the rooms, the attention to detail, and the exquisite blend of genres make this hotel a unique address where the impression of a change of scenery is matched by the feeling of rare comfort. There are deliciously old-fashioned bijou rooms, and vast, sunlit suites furnished with unique pieces unearthed throughout the East and West. Each has its own colour: Turkish delight pink, Mediterranean blue, desert ochre, and lime green.