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Villa Colonna
(from) / night US$ 1,972.87

Villa Colonna

ItalyCastelnuovo Berardenga (SI)


This property is annually closed. Reopening on 09/04/2025

Villa Colonna

Villa of the property Borgo San Felice Resort

Surrounded by vineyards and olive groves in the heart of Tuscany, Villa Colonna at Hotel Borgo San Felice is the promise of exquisite bliss. In this luxury villa, with its warm decor and deep sofas, guests will immediately feel at home. From spending quality time with family and friends sunbathing by the pool to cycling through the picturesque villages of Chianti, the beauty of the breathtaking landscape, with its cypresses and hills, will capture the hearts of everyone. So for those who enjoy lazing under the shade of cypress trees, true happiness awaits at this delightful retreat.


  • 2-Bedroom Villa – 156sqm/1679sqft
  • 1 King bed or 2 Twin beds in each bedroom
  • Private villa located 400 metres from the hotel
  • Surrounded by hundreds of olive trees and furnished in a warm and cosy colour palette in a refined Tuscan style, Villa Colonna is perfect as a refuge for a couple but also for a family.
  • Sitting area – Patio
  • Garden – Barbecue – Private outdoor pool
  • 2 En-suite bathrooms – One with shower and one with bathtub – Makeup mirror – Hairdryer – Bathrobes and slippers – Maria Candida Gentile bathroom amenities
  • Complimentary WiFi – Flat screen television – Telephone
  • Air conditioning – Safe – Minibar
  • Accessible room
  • No extra bed possible – 4 Persons maximum

Good to know

  • The villa is located 30 minutes from Siena and 400 metres from the main hotel

We especially like

  • The medieval hamlet which constitutes Borgo San Felice and its ancient chapel
  • Enjoying the wellness centre inside the village’s former mill
  • The guided wine tastings for a deepened understanding of oenology
  • The marvellous cuisine of Juan Camilo Quintero, the executive chef of the Michelin-starred restaurant Poggio Rosso


Experience the "San Felice method" See details
Chianti wedding See details

Services offered by the property

  • When preparing your trip, don’t hesitate to contact Borgo San Felice Resort to obtain more detailed information about the services and food options available at your vacation villa or home. You will also be able to access all the hotel’s services and facilities and organize your activities at the reception desk.
  • See all services


Villa Casanova

Villa Casanova

Disover all Villas by Relais & Châteaux
Borgo San Felice Resort Località San Felice - Chianti Classico
I-53019, Castelnuovo Berardenga (SI)
( Toscana )
4 travelers
2 rooms
2 bathrooms
1679 sqft
(from) / night US$ 1,972.87
Minimum length of stay: consult the calendar