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Monte-Carlo Beach

Monte-Carlo Beach




Relais & Châteaux's most stunning summertime terraces

Looking for a gorgeous terrace to soak up the sunshine in peace and quiet? Whether in Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Greece or the United States, browse our selection of Relais & Châteaux terraces for unparalleled views over some of the world's most sumptuous beauty spots.
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The 2017 Villégiature Awards honour 3 Relais & Châteaux properties

The 15th edition of the Villégiature Awards was held 16 October 2017, an event which gives awards to the most beautiful hotels in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.                 This year, three Relais & Châteaux properties were honoured with an award: The Hotel Heritage, the Monte...
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Unique lagoons and coves: paradise in turquoise!

Unique lagoons and coves that will make your heart sing! Lagoons call to mind the long coral reef that is home to extraordinary flora and fauna. A world teeming with life, where shimmering colours provide a kaleidoscope for the eyes as you dive, while fish large and small perform an unexpected ballet in the seemingly endless turquoise water that is...
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This summer, enjoy a cocktail on the terrace

Some have a view of the sea, while others look out on to the mountains or the immense skyscrapers of New York. These terraces are made for dreamily admiring the endless horizon. They encourage our flights of fancy and allow us to suspend both time and space, just for a while. Reflect on the bustling city beneath, observe all the colours of the sea,...
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Ten Incredible Pools That Make a Splash

Big or small, round or rectangular – there’s really no one-size fits all when it comes to hotel pools. But get the views and setting right and they instantly become blissed out spots to relax and contemplate. Here are 10 stunners to dip your toes into.


10 Experiences along Wondrous Waters

Snorkeling to see the Mediterranean’s underwater treasures, kayaking in the Dordogne, swimming in the limpid waters of Lake Annecy or a Nice backcountry lagoon, communing with the tides of Brittany. Here are ten elemental immersions to enjoy while staying at Relais & Châteaux properties.