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Discover all our Restaurant managers
Restaurant manager

Boris Häbel

Restaurant manager Relais & Châteaux

Boris Häbel

Restaurant Manager Relais & Châteaux

What connects you to the history of this house?

I came back to Frankfurt for the position of the Restaurant Manager, as the restaurant Lafleur is owned by my old employer Tiger-Palmengroup with which I was working sucessfully 20 years ago at the restaurant Tigerpalast.

These days where very formative and way giving, so when being asked to return, the decission was easy, as well as I am working with colleagues I still know from 20 years ago, like the General Manager (Robert Mangold), Chef de Cuisine (Andreas Krolik) and Sommelier (Miguel Martin)


How do you move your customers? How do you frame the chef’s culinary identity?

We try to create an athmosphere of well being in our cosy and beautifull designed Restaurant Lafleur!

Each customer is unique and we try to get a personalized contact to our guests, feeling the personal needs and surpassing the expectations of our guestst.

The menues of Chef Andreas are stunning, surprising and winning as of there combinations and presentations, so we get the  perfect base to pick up the guests at the beginning of the evening and create the experience the guests want to gain.

What is your personal philosophy?

Beeing a host, surpassing guest expectations, creating special moments and let guests leave with long lasting positive and surprising memories.

What do you want to communicate to your team?

Being a host is a heart thing!

Be open and always positive to all situations and challenges.

A smile of the guestst at the end of the evening is wage to work for!

Advice for the art of generosity and warmth in the evening for a weekend meal?

Be open, friendly and honest!

Create a warm and well feeling atmosphere and get a personal but professional contact to the guests.

Make them trust you and be attentive in all situations, so you can read needs and whishes and surpass expectations.

Guests want to be pampered and are thankfull for positive advice and help when this is not obviously ment to be upselling.

Restaurant Lafleur

  • 2 Michelin Stars 2024
  • Creative cooking