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About Relais & Châteaux
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From Bordeaux to the Basque Country: city, surf and sun
9 Nights
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Price of a local call

Culture-vultures, nature lovers and urbanistas will all love this itinerary, which includes Bordeaux (the Port de la Lune, as it is known locally), the long golden beaches of the Atlantic coast and the enchanting forests of the Landes. In Bordeaux, you can take an ‘alternative’ stroll through the newest trendy spots, before setting sail for Cap Ferret and a picnic on the Banc d’Arguin nature reserve, as the famous pinnace boats sail by. A detour to the Landes de Gascogne national park, peppered with pastoral scenes, will lead you to the lively holiday spots of Hossegor, Capbreton and their Basque Country counterparts. Welcome to the ‘Surfin’ way of life’. Learn how to ride the waves on a stand-up paddle board and drift off to find dolphins and porpoises before heading back to shore and meeting friends over a glass of Xiacoli. Paradise lies at the end of the sandy track, behind the dunes...

106 miles
84 km
30 miles
12 miles
1 Bouliac — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant
Façade du Saint-James (8)

Le Saint-James Bouliac

Bouliac - France 16 rooms

This property is temporarily closed. Reopening on 02/07/2025

Hotel and restaurant in a village. The Saint-James occupies buildings designed in 1989 by the famous architect Jean Nouvel. They nestle in the delightful little village of Bouliac, in a garden fragrant with lemon trees and antique roses. Inspired by the old tobacco drying lofts, four pavilions, linked by a gallery, create a modern pure space. Far away, you can see the Landes of Gascogne forest, the biggest collection of maritime pines in Europe. The gourmet cuisine is one of the major attractions of the Saint James: the chef serves cuisine which is full of flavour and based on local market ingredients, rounded off by the selection of wines from an outstanding cellar and panoramic views of Bordeaux. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
1 Michelin Star 2024
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Alchemist apprentice

Alchemist apprentice

After visiting the Château Pape Clément and the adjacent cellars, you’ll embark on creating your own blend of grape varieties. Whether seeking fruity aromas or a more robust taste, you will be the master in charge of bottling your own composition.  More information: Château Pape Clément, Pessac, B-Winemarker 2-hour...

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On the route

The Pinasses of Bassin d'Arcachon & Cap Ferret

The Pinasses of Bassin d'Arcachon & Cap Ferret

What if you were to take a pinnace into the ocean? It’s a new way to discover this magical place. Get closer to île aux oiseaux and see the Tchanque huts more closely. If you feel like it, you can also make a stop for coffee! 

106 miles
84 km
30 miles
12 miles
2 Eugénie-les-Bains — 1 Night
Hotel + Restaurant

Les Prés d’Eugénie - Maison Guérard

Eugénie-les-Bains - France 45 rooms - 1 villa

This property is open.

Restaurant and hotel in the country. A small country palace, on the borders of the Landes and Béarn regions, a romantic haven, a feast for the senses, for pampering your body and letting your mind wander. This family home is an invitation to happiness. Fairytale gardens, aristocratic abode and symphonic cuisine. In this small village, once placed under the patronage of Empress Eugénie, herb gardens, majestic trees and ancient roses line the pathway to a stunning spa, La Ferme Thermale®. In the kitchen, Michel Guérard, who "cooks the way a bird sings", creates celestial marvels. Everywhere else, Christine casts her poetic touch. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
3 Michelin Stars 2024
(from) US$ 304.45
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The Grand Pyrenees

The Grand Pyrenees

What to take things to another level? Take a helicopter ride to marvel at the Pyrenees. The hills of Landes will be left behind  as you glide towards the slopes of Jurançon and the pass of Marie Blanque before climbing up to the famous Pic du Midi d'Ossau (yes, you know...the dogs tooth). Then, you'll...

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106 miles
84 km
30 miles
12 miles
3 HOSSEGOR — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant
Photo page principale

Les Hortensias du Lac

Hossegor - France 25 rooms

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Hotel and restaurant on a lake. In Hossegor, an elegant seaside town along the Landes coast, enjoy a relaxing stay in a setting made for daydreaming, surrounded by brightly coloured hydrangeas. On the western shore of the city’s famed saltwater lake, discover this authentic 1930s “Basco-Landaise” style villa — a fusion of art deco and traditional regional architecture. Here, under the majestic pines, all eyes converge on the lake. Many of the rooms, suites and apartments open onto its soothing, lustrous expanse. The panoramic restaurant, where the famous chef Philippe Moreno officiates, is entirely glazed. The patio solarium and the heated infinity pool invite to contemplation. Lovers of tranquillity will be delighted by the new 450 sq m spa featuring pale stone, light wood and sand-coloured ceramics, designed to be an extension of the lake’s landscape. This is a haven of peace just a stone’s throw from the ocean. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
(from) US$ 240.07
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Surf Camp and Beer under the pines

Surf Camp and Beer under the pines

A collection of Surf Schools that offer surf lessons on the beaches of Hossegor, which has some of the best waves in the world. The Watermansport surf school, directly on the South Beach, offers a wide range of lessons (group or private) from April to October, as well as Stand Up Paddleboard (SUP)...

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106 miles
84 km
30 miles
12 miles
4 Anglet — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant
Brindos, Lac & Château - Anglet - Extérieur 2 - ©Mathilde Ranchon

Brindos Lac & Château

Anglet - France 39 rooms

This property is open.

Hotel and restaurant on a lake. In the heart of the Basque coast, in Anglet, Brindos Lac & Château majestically sprawls across the shores of one of the largest private lakes in France. Imbued with Hispano-Moresque charm, this exceptional hotel, close to Biarritz, offers guests a fascinating immersion into this mythical setting located between the Atlantic Ocean and the Basque hinterland. Its 39 rooms and suites, which elegantly incorporate elements and furniture from regional artists and craftsmen, provide the ultimate sense of relaxation. And for a stay unlike any other, its ten floating lodges on the lake offer guests the added pleasure of unparalleled intimacy. Nestled amidst a lush backdrop, its vast spa, featuring Gemology products and treatments, is a unique and magical interlude to any stay. An ambassador of fine living, the restaurant is deeply rooted in its strong cultural heritage and proudly promotes its Basque identity with a cuisine in which the chef expertly showcases the treasures offered by the land and sea. From gustatory delights to long walks that are both exhilarating and relaxing, and through the discovery of the land and its ancestral traditions, Brindos Lac & Château is a truly enchanted kingdom in which a thousand mesmerising experiences await you. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
(from) US$ 229.16
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On the route

Skate forever!

Skate forever!

The 162 Skate School (located opposite Quiksilver France's parent company) is a Basque skateboard school. It offers group and private lessons, courses, free initiations and various events for all ages! Skate Park & ​​Skate School, the skateboard school of Saint Jean de Luz.

106 miles
84 km
30 miles
12 miles
5 Saint-Pée sur Nivelle — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant

L'Auberge Basque

Saint-Pée sur Nivelle - France 12 rooms

This property is open.

Hotel and restaurant in the country. A few kilometres from the ocean, facing the Pyrenees and the Larrun, the Auberge Basque offers a calming pause in a territory full of character. A traditional inn on one side, a modernist cube on the other, the establishment offers a beautiful architectural contrast that can also be found in the cuisine. In love with the Basque Country and trained in the finest restaurants of Paris, chef Cédric Béchade joyfully blends the authenticity of regional products with the refinement of his dishes, conceived as contemporary works of art. Several elegantly decorated rooms will have you wishing to extend your discovery of the Basque mountains. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
1 Michelin Star 2024
(from) US$ 184.42
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