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Around Vienna and Lower Austria
4 Nights
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For a long time, Vienna was a major world capital. What a pleasure it is to walk along its avenues in the early morning and smell the daybreak coffee as the shops begin to open. Vienna has it all: buildings with character, wonderful parks, amazing pastry shops and magnificent concert venues such as the prestigious Musikverein. In less than an hour’s journey by car or train from the Imperial Palace, you can discover vineyards producing terrific sweet wines, lakes for mid-winter iceskating and castles filled with music. This route leads you into landscapes of such beauty that they have been listed by UNESCO. A route leading all the way down to the beautiful “Blue Danube”…

40 miles
40 miles
1 Schützen/Gebirge — 1 Night
Hotel + Restaurant


Schützen/Gebirge - Austria

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Restaurant and hotel in the country. On crossing the threshold of Taubenkobel, you will be welcomed by the owners, the Eselböck family, in the unique atmosphere of this cosmopolitan haven in a Burgenland village. This charming 19th century vintner’s house is dedicated to well-being, the appreciation of art and love of the surrounding nature of the Pannonian lowlands. The remarkable cuisine of Chef Alain Weissgerber will enchant your palate. Created in 1984, the former farm hosts not only one of the best culinary addresses but is also a romantic hotel, a grocery store in the middle of a beautiful garden that will seduce you. ... Learn moreless

2 Michelin Stars 2025
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Kracher wines

Kracher wines

Produced next to Lake Neusiedl, the Kracher House's wines benefit from a continental climate and a particularly favorable soil. With its great sweet wines, the vineyard feels like an Austrian Château d’Yquem! Alois Kracher, who passed away in 2007, was awarded the title of “Winemaker of the Year" by...

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On the route

The Esterhazy Family's Castle (Eisenstadt)

The Esterhazy Family's Castle (Eisenstadt)

Esterhazy Castle is one of the jewels of the city of Eisenstadt. The princes of the same name had it built in the second half of the 17th century. It was within these walls that the famous composer Joseph Haydn, who was the choirmaster to the Court of Esterhazy, presented many of his compositions. Every...

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40 miles
40 miles
2 Vienna — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant
The Amauris Vienna

The Amauris Vienna

Vienna - Austria 62 rooms

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Hotel and restaurant in town. The majestic 19th-century facade of The Amauris stands proudly on the main boulevard of the Ringstrasse, encapsulating all of the charm of Vienna’s historical centre. A stone’s throw away from the opera and just 150 metres from the Musikverein, in the bustling heart of the city, The Amauris is both an elegant and contemporary treasure, combining the old with the new throughout its interior. The beautiful original elevator provides access to the well-appointed rooms and suites from which you can gaze upon the cheerful procession of red and white tramways. The hotel’s crown jewel, the Opera suite, features a balcony with an exclusive view of the famous state opera. In the evening, the gourmet restaurant, Glasswing, offers a perfect mix of innovation and tradition in which only the best products are used; be it those from the region or the sea, the main focus is always on delivering the highest of quality. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
40 miles
40 miles
3 Feuersbrunn am Wagram — 1 Night
Hotel + Restaurant

MÖRWALD Hotel am Wagram

Feuersbrunn am Wagram - Austria 19 rooms

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Hotel and restaurant in a village. The family-run MÖRWALD Hotel am Wagram welcomes you to the picturesque village of Feuersbrunn, in Lower Austria’s Wagram wine region. Modern architecture, a bucolic setting and a gourmet restaurant are the hallmarks of this retreat that’s popular with nature lovers and wine aficionados alike. Far from the hustle and bustle of Vienna or the Wachau valley, discover the charms of an authentic Austrian inn, off the beaten path. The light wood parquet flooring adds to the brightness of generously sized rooms, featuring contemporary decor and soothing minimalism. The chef-proprietor of the property is passionate about gastronomy and cherishes the culinary heritage of the region, reinventing classics of Austrian cuisine as well as serving more modern dishes. During your stay, be sure to check out the village’s renowned Kellergassen–charming alleys lined with wine cellars–and the Stupa of Wagram, a place of Buddhist meditation. Its majestic silhouette emerges from the vineyards, which can be explored on foot or by bike. ... Learn moreless

1 Michelin Star 2025
(from) US$ 346.73
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Grafenegg Castle

Grafenegg Castle

An incredible music festival has been held under the windows of Grafenegg Castle in recent years. This event brings thousands of spectators and the most prestigious orchestras in the world together (the Vienna Philharmonic, the London Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchestre de Paris, etc.). It is said that...

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Texts: © Guides Gallimard ; Photos: CHUNYIP WONG