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Discover all our Chefs
Relais & Châteaux Chef

Juan Camilo Quintero

Chef - Relais & Châteaux

1 Michelin Star 2025

Juan Camilo Quintero

Borgo San Felice Resort

Castelnuovo Berardenga (SI) - Italy

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Chef Relais & Châteaux

How long have you been a part of the Relais & Châteaux Association for?

Four months and it’s an honor to belong to this family. I take on the challenge every day with a huge amount of passion and enthusiasm. With the support of our team and the wonderful Borgo San Felice family, we ensure our work is entirely centered around maintaining the highest standards which have been achieved by the Maison over time.

We also try to bring energy, color and a new approach to the concept of cuisine, especially as I’m a chef with South American roots and a lover of Italy.

The Relais & Châteaux Manifesto and vision represent a way for me to reintroduce principles which are important to me and which I have acquired throughout my life, some of them during my studies at the University of Gastronomic Sciences (UNISG) in Pollenzo. Being ethical and responsible for sustainability in all its forms is particularly important to me.

What is the part, panorama or object that you like most about this manor and restaurant? And why?

The traditional copper pans because they not only represent extremely beautiful objects, but also the expression of an expert craftsmanship. In addition, they are fundamental utensils which are used on a daily basis to present the dishes and sauces, or for cooking as copper has excellent thermal properties.

Which customer will you never forget and why? What feeling did they leave you with?

A foreign couple who used to spend their vacations in the Chianti and became attached to my kitchen over time. These past few months they came to Borgo San Felice especially to visit us and sample the cuisine we are offering here.

What’s the most important lesson you would like to pass on to your team?

That we will only achieve our mission if we succeed in offering a special moment to those who sit at our tables and that we can’t have happy customers if we’re not happy ourselves. That’s why we strive to give our all every day.

Les restaurants Relais & Châteaux de Juan Camilo Quintero

Il Poggio Rosso

  • 1 Michelin Star 2025
  • Creative cooking

Osteria il Grigio

  • Expression of the terroir