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Villa Casanova

Villa Casanova

ItaliaCastelnuovo Berardenga (SI)

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This property is annually closed. Reopening on 9/4/25

Villa Casanova

Villa del establecimiento Borgo San Felice Resort


Spacious and private villa with an independent entrance – Villa size: Approximately 670sqm / 7,200sqft – The villa is located just a few steps from Borgo San Felice, looking out onto rows of vines and olive groves in an authentically Tuscan setting – Surrounded by hundreds of olive trees and furnished in a warm and cosy colour palette in a refined Tuscan style – The villa is composed of three fully furnished apartments and have a total of nine rooms that guarantee privacy either for groups of friends or unrelated groups – The apartment ‘’Il Caminetto’’ features 2 bedrooms with King or Twin beds, a cozy sitting area with fireplace and a dining table – The apartment ‘’La Pergola’’ features 3 bedrooms with King or Twin beds, beautiful decor with patio and dining facilities, where you can enjoy the charming Tuscan atmosphere – The Apartment ‘’La Terrazza” features 4 bedrooms with King or Twin beds, Sitting area, a dining table and a private terrace with breath-taking view of the countryside – Each bedroom has its private bathroom with shower and/or bathtub – Make-up mirror – Hairdryer – Bathrobes and slippers – Maria Candida Gentile bathroom amenities – It has a large garden with Barbecue set and a pool and is an unforgettable place with discreet, elegant luxury in every detail – Villa Casanova is ideal for those looking for independence and privacy without giving up the high-quality services of our hotel. – Includes access to Spa and other hotel services – Complimentary WiFi – Flat screen television – Telephone – Air conditioning – Safe deposit box – Writing desk – Minibar – No extra bed possible – Maximum occupancy: 18 Persons


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Servicios del establecimiento

  • Para preparar su estancia, no dude en consultar con el establecimiento Borgo San Felice Resort acerca de los servicios y la restauración ofrecidos en su villa o casa de vacaciones. También podrá acceder a todos los servicios y equipamientos del hotel, así como organizar sus actividades en la recepción.
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Villa Colonna

Villa Colonna

Disover all Villas by Relais & Châteaux
Borgo San Felice Resort Località San Felice
I-53019, Castelnuovo Berardenga (SI)
( Toscana )
18 huéspedes
9 habitaciones
9 baños
670 m2
Duración mínima de la estancia: consultar calendario