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Villa Casanova

Villa Casanova

ItalienCastelnuovo Berardenga (SI)

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This property is annually closed. Reopening on 09.04.25

Villa Casanova

Villa des Haus Borgo San Felice Resort


Spacious and private villa with an independent entrance – Villa size: Approximately 670sqm / 7,200sqft – The villa is located just a few steps from Borgo San Felice, looking out onto rows of vines and olive groves in an authentically Tuscan setting – Surrounded by hundreds of olive trees and furnished in a warm and cosy colour palette in a refined Tuscan style – The villa is composed of three fully furnished apartments and have a total of nine rooms that guarantee privacy either for groups of friends or unrelated groups – The apartment ‘’Il Caminetto’’ features 2 bedrooms with King or Twin beds, a cozy sitting area with fireplace and a dining table – The apartment ‘’La Pergola’’ features 3 bedrooms with King or Twin beds, beautiful decor with patio and dining facilities, where you can enjoy the charming Tuscan atmosphere – The Apartment ‘’La Terrazza” features 4 bedrooms with King or Twin beds, Sitting area, a dining table and a private terrace with breath-taking view of the countryside – Each bedroom has its private bathroom with shower and/or bathtub – Make-up mirror – Hairdryer – Bathrobes and slippers – Maria Candida Gentile bathroom amenities – It has a large garden with Barbecue set and a pool and is an unforgettable place with discreet, elegant luxury in every detail – Villa Casanova is ideal for those looking for independence and privacy without giving up the high-quality services of our hotel. – Includes access to Spa and other hotel services – Complimentary WiFi – Flat screen television – Telephone – Air conditioning – Safe deposit box – Writing desk – Minibar – No extra bed possible – Maximum occupancy: 18 Persons


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Service des Haus

  • Im Rahmen der Vorbereitung Ihres Aufenthalts können Sie sich gerne mit der Einrichtung Borgo San Felice Resort in Verbindung zu setzen, um Einzelheiten zu Serviceleistungen und Verpflegung in Ihrer Villa oder Ihrem Ferienhaus zu erfahren. Sie können auch auf alle Dienstleistungen und Einrichtungen des Hotels zugreifen und Ihre Aktivitäten mit der Rezeption organisieren.
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Villa Colonna

Villa Colonna

Disover all Villas by Relais & Châteaux
Borgo San Felice Resort Località San Felice
I-53019, Castelnuovo Berardenga (SI)
( Toscana )
18 Reisende
9 Schlafzimmer
9 Badezimmer
670 m2
Mindestaufenthaltsdauer: siehe Kalender