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Where to go in February with Relais & Châteaux?

When winter draws out, the desire to travel is even stronger!

Do you dream of a break in the sun or a vacation in the snow? Do you feel the need to go on an adventure or discover new cultures? Around the world, Relais & Châteaux invites you on a unique journey, whatever your desires may be: snow-covered ski slopes and evenings spent around the fire for some, or white sand beaches and dinners under the stars for others.

In February, Relais & Châteaux opens the doors of its best properties in the tropics as well as the mountains.



What’s the weather like in India in February? Monsoon season ended several months ago, so it’s the perfect season to travel through the country from north to south. The weather is dry and temperatures are pleasant, around 82°F with some regional variations.

What is there to do in India? In the north, discover magnificent cities in Rajasthan along the caravan trade routes of the Silk Road. “The Golden City” of Jaisalmer shines brightly in the middle of the dessert; Jain and Haveli temples, as well as ancient Rajput mansions with finely carved ornaments are of extraordinary architectural richness. Rajasthan’s capital Jaipur, known as the Pink City, is home to the colorful shades that provide it with its name; the spectacular palaces and gardens immerse you in the past glories of the maharajas. In Udaipur, the most exquisite palaces are reflected in the surface of lakes within a wonderfully romantic atmosphere. Away from the cities, a number of national parks make India the largest biodiversity reserve in the world. In the Bandhavgarh National Park of Madhya Pradesh you will have plenty of chances to see the Bengal tiger during a safari through the Indian jungle. India also offers thousands of miles of coastlines that offer a completely different experience. In the south, desert landscapes fade away to allow lush nature to take over. Set sail on a cruise through the Kerala backwaters before laying your towel down on one of the coconut tree-lined beaches along the Arabian Sea.  

> Discover our Relais & Châteaux in India

Relais & Châteaux - Inde


The Maldives

What’s the weather like in the Maldives in February? Air temperatures vary between 80 and 88°F while the sea reaches up to 84°F. This is undoubtably the best season to enjoy this earthly paradise.

What is there to do in the Maldives? When you think about the Maldives, the turquoise colors of its lagoons gives an immediate feeling of fulfillment. Here, the ocean offers a spectacle of incredible sea life, while the lush vegetation delicately covers the white sand beaches. In the Maldives, each small island invites you to relax with the sweet pleasure of doing nothing except enjoying the beauty of the landscape, admiring the procession of manta rays or diving in the company of a sea turtle. Whether you enjoy a picnic on the immaculate beach or a night under the stars, you will find all of the ingredients for a divinely romantic getaway.

> Discover our Relais & Châteaux in the Maldives

Relais & Châteaux - Maldives


Sri Lanka

What’s the weather like in Sri Lanka in February? At lower altitudes, the monsoons retreat and you can enjoy beautiful sunshine along the coastline. With temperatures between 73 and 91°F, the heat is pleasant. The ideal weather to enjoy the beaches with a water temperature of 82°F.

What is there to do in Sri Lanka? The country formerly known as Ceylon possesses greatly diverse landscapes. Mountains covered with tea plantations, fine sand beaches, cities with a colonial past, Buddhist and Hindu temples as well as tropical jungle... the country offers a wide range of experiences. A unique destination to witness a leopard’s effortless prowl on a safari, discover the traditions and beliefs of a nation with its diversely rich influences, enjoy fine teas in the heart of a plantation or admire the architectural masterpieces of the colonial period, vestiges of the island’s occupation by the Portuguese, Dutch and British.

> Discover our Relais & Châteaux in Sri Lanka

Relais & Châteaux - Sri Lanka


The Rocky Mountains in North America and the Alps in Europe

What’s the weather like in February in the Alps and Rockies? Whether it’s on the mountain tops in Colorado or the Alps, temperatures are as expected on top of the slopes with optimal snow conditions.

What is there to do in the Rockies and Alps in February? Do distinct seasons reassure you? Does the cold revitalize you? Are snow-covered slopes your favorite winter terrain? You will spend your next vacation skiing down mountains, walking across snowy paths with snowshoes or dog sledding through fir tree forests. In France, Austria, Italy or Switzerland or on the North-American continent, you will be able to enjoy the warm and inviting atmosphere of a stone and wood chalet, the comforting glow of an open fire, the benefits of an exceptional spa and the flavors of Alpine-inspired cuisine. Alternate between days spent relaxing, taking on sporting challenges or discovering culinary delights for a break at the summit with Relais & Châteaux.

> Discover the Relais & Châteaux properties at the foot of the slopes

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New Zealand

What’s the weather like in New Zealand in February? In February, you can enjoy mild temperatures with an average of 75°F and the sea around 69°F.

What is there to do in New Zealand? When you set foot in the Southern Hemisphere, you are at one with nature's greatness. Allow yourself to be seduced by the vast bodies of water as well as the beautiful fjords, hot springs, mountains and forests. Sing a few notes from The Piano while observing the spectacular nature that provided the famous film with its stunning setting. Finally, New Zealand is a paradise for lovers of trekking, windsurfers, or cyclers in search of solitude and wide open spaces.

> Discover our Relais & Châteaux in New Zealand

Relais & Châteaux - Nouvelle-Zélande



What’s the weather like in Argentina in February? In the Southern Hemisphere, the seasons are the other way around. In February, temperatures which at times can be extremely hot begin to tail off, as such it’s the perfect time to visit Buenos Aires with temperatures of around 77°F. In Patagonia, the weather is warm and bright, becoming milder in Tierra del Fuego. 

What to do in Argentina? Magical Buenos Aires, continuously fluctuating between modernity and tradition, is home to neighborhoods where the air continues to be filled with the sound of Carlos Gardel’s tangos. Between San Telmo and the barrio of La Boca, various houses display beautifully colored facades. Often nicknamed the Little Paris of South America, Buenos Aires offers both stunning examples of unique hotels and Haussmann-inspired buildings, signs of the 19th century French and European influence on this cosmopolitan city. A few miles from here, located in the Pampas or “Gaucho Country,” you will be treated to the traditional Argentinian asado barbecue, a true local institution which is accompanied by an equally essential drink of mate. Further west into the Andes, nature has an amazing spectacle in store for you. Along the roads which crisscross the majestic mountains, the feeling of being completely alone in the world takes over you. Trekking up the Aconcagua mountain slopes in search of isolated villages and their local inhabitants will leave you with a spellbinding memory of such beauty.

> Discover our Relais & Châteaux in Argentina

Relais & Châteaux - Argentine



What’s the weather like in Chile in February? This country which spans the length of the Pacific Ocean enjoys nationwide bright sunshine in February. However, temperatures fluctuate depending on the latitude. In the north, the weather is dry and temperatures are moderate. In the center of the country, you will discover a Mediterranean climate. At higher altitudes, the climate is cooler, but it’s still the perfect month to enjoy Tierra del Fuego.

What is there to do in Chile? A slender country which extends over 2600 miles, Chile is a land of contrasts. As the Atacama Desert unveils its bareness and strong heats, Patagonia in the far south offers a magical spectacle of glaciers. Therein lies Chile’s charm, country of the poet and writer Pablo Neruda whose verses still resonate between Valparaiso and Isla Negra, his last place of refuge facing the Pacific. Here, you can visit the splendid Torres del Paine national park and the Andes Mountains with breathtaking landscapes from the summit. Chile possesses a unique geological heritage; the Salar de Tara or the Tatio geysers are a magnificent illustration. Chile plays host to ever-moving nature, which expresses itself over thousands of miles. A land of emotion which never ceases to amaze.

> Discover our Relais & Châteaux in Chile

Relais & Châteaux - Argentine