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About Relais & Châteaux
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Quebec, the call of nature
6 Nights
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It's a journey into a natural environment that reinvents itself every season. In Quebec, you are never far from a river or a forest. Its cities, epicenters of a singular culture and identity, are built on a human scale, friendly and festive. Perhaps more than anywhere else, the people of Quebec have been able to create a lifestyle and architecture in harmony with their natural surroundings. Between the two metropolises of Montreal and Quebec City, the "Belle Province" offers a variety of landscapes dotted with nature reserves, and lakes with infinite horizons...

146 miles
155 miles
1 Saint-Agathe-des-Monts — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant

StoneHaven Le Manoir

Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts - Canada 51 rooms

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Hotel and restaurant in the country. Welcome to the Canada of your dreams, where lakes and forests create a magical natural setting. Here, in the Laurentian Mountains’ Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, discover StoneHaven Le Manoir, an exceptional hotel overlooking the Lac des Sables. Founded in 1908, this bastion of elegance–located just an hour from Montreal–has been carefully renovated to highlight the Art Deco spirit of its early days. Its 34 cozy rooms are idyllic, furnished with lovingly restored antique furniture, and each distinguished by its own identity and original touches, as is the intimate spa nestled in the courtyard pavilion. At the gourmet restaurant, Quebecois chef Marc-Antoine Lacasse presents cuisine that celebrates the flavors of the region's finest products and artisans. Savor these delights and more as you bask in the tranquility of the Italian garden–a precious hidden gem surrounding the property–and enjoy nature at its best in the heart of one of Quebec’s most spectacular localities: StoneHaven Le Manoir promises a rewarding and refreshing stay in so many ways. ... Learn moreless

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(from) US$ 180.86
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Restaurant Jérome Ferrer par Europea

Restaurant Jérome Ferrer par Europea

At Europea, Chef Jérôme Ferrer prepares refined, creative, market-fresh cuisine with a Québecois accent, calling upon his Catalan roots to glorify the flavors of the earth and the sea. In this Victorian house modernized with an ultra-contemporary décor, try the Gaspésie lobster cappuccino with shavings...

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146 miles
155 miles
2 North Hatley — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant
01 New Fall Foliage

Manoir Hovey

North Hatley - Quebec, Canada 51 rooms

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Hotel and restaurant in the country. A stay at Manoir Hovey comes with the promise of an abundance of fresh air in a scenic, unspoiled part of Québec, close to the U.S. This charming manor was built at the turn of the century and modeled on George Washington’s Mount Vernon home. It is nestled in English gardens in a forest on the shores of a lake, and there is a romantic and authentic way of life here. Rates include an array of onsite recreational facilities that make Manoir Hovey a destination in itself. The artful cuisine is enhanced by the wine list, which features 900 wines, and an exceptional selection of Québec’s finest cheeses. A wonderful getaway in all seasons, only 80 minutes from Montréal. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
(from) US$ 150.43
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The abbey in Saint-Benoît-du-Lac

The abbey in Saint-Benoît-du-Lac

Founded in 1912 by Benedictine monks who had left France, the monastery of Saint-Benoît-du-Lac is today home to about forty monks. Raised to an abbey in 1952, the site enjoys an exceptional location near to Lake Memphremagog. At vespers, the magnificent sound of Gregorian chant fills the air. The abbey...

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146 miles
155 miles
3 Québec — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant

Auberge Saint-Antoine

Québec - Quebec, Canada 95 rooms

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Hotel and restaurant in town. Like Charles Dickens, you will be fascinated by the city of Québec, the “Gibraltar of America” with “its giddy heights, its citadel suspended, as if it were in the air, its picturesque steep streets…” In the heart of the first city to be founded in North America, standing on an archaeological site that formerly housed wharves, cannon emplacements and warehouses, the Auberge Saint-Antoine bears witness to the history of this important commercial and military port. Many relics from the French and English colonial times were discovered when the Auberge was built. Now they can be found among the elegant designer interior of this irresistibly charming museum-hotel. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
(from) US$ 151.65
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Relais & Châteaux La Tanière³

Relais & Châteaux La Tanière³

In the center of old Quebec City, between the Saint Lawrence River and Place Royale, a property steeped in history awaits. Built in 1686, the vaulted cellars of the Leber and Charest houses, among the oldest buildings in the city, now house a gourmet restaurant which puts La Belle Province firmly on...

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Texts: © Guides Gallimard
Photos: © Matthias Mullie on Unsplash